Chapter 9: Hot!!

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Hours after the so called 'talk' with Raiden something tugged at Kitana. Something about him ached in the back of her mind, but she couldn't put her finger on it. As she tried to think about it, it finally hit her that she has been out for three weeks and not once has she washed. Or have they not mentioned that they cleaned her while she was knocked out, but they should know well that if they ever lay a hand on her without her consent they were to be executed. Embarrassed she walked up to Sub-Zero and whispered
-"Uh, Kuai..."

-"Yes Kitana?"

-"Since I have been out for at least three weeks and I have not been bathed, I was wondering if um..."
Sub-Zero raised an eyebrow, being totally clueless
-"If what?"

-"If I um" she clears her throat "you know?" she hoped he would catch on.
His eyes widened and he face palmed
-"I am an idiot"

Frost walked by and said
-"Yes, yes you are" and she continued walking as they both stared at her leave and Kitana giggling at her remark.

-"Anyways, yes you may. Come with me" he gestured for her to follow.

The sleeping dorms (in the more vacant area where she had been for three weeks)~

He walked into a nearly abandoned wash room.
-"Here this is where you will wash yourself"

-"What is this place?" she asked looking around.

-"This area I had emptied out so that Frost could wash in here and not worry about the other men" Sub explained.

-"Oh." Kitana merely muttered as she stared at the dirty mirror. "But why not just build a washroom for one, then giving her an entire washroom?" she asked still looking into the mirror, raising her hand to it and starting to wipe off the dust.

-"Believe it or not, thanks to an encounter with Sergeant Blade" Kitana's ears perked at the name of an old ally. Sub continued to talk.

-"She made me realize that there are not enough women in the clan and I hope to add more. One day. But not anytime soon." he looked down at the fogged up tile. Kitana removed her hand from the mirror and looked at it, it was covered in dust, she looked back at the area she had just wiped and saw Sub looking at the ground. She turned around and walked up to him, she put her clean hand on his shoulder and he jumped out of his mental state.

-"Anyways" Kitana was taken aback by his sudden change in behavior but did not question the grandmaster. -"For now you may use Frost's soaps. Do not undress yet, I will get you a towel" she nodded and he left the room. She looked back into the smudged mirror, she frowned upon looking at it. Something irritated her but she did not know what. She was knocked out of her thoughts as Sub walked back in holding a dark blue towel.

-"Here is your towel" he handed it to her and she took it. "And turning it on is simple. Just pull it outwards to turn on, push in to turn off, left for hot and right for cold. Understand?" she nodded and replied.


-"Ok then I'll leave you to your washing" And he left, she watched him leave. She turned back to the shower and walked towards it, she followed Kuai's instructions and she pulled the lever outwards. The sudden outburst of water startled her that she nearly slipped on the already wet floor.

She was tired before but she was fully awake thanks to her little scare. She stepped back from the water not even bothering to check it and walked over to the sinks, she was at the sink closest to the shower. She rubbed her eyes and yawned extending her arms, as she lowered them she looked back into the mirror once again and then looked at her blue robe.

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