Chapter 1

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Jamiyzha in MM

"Miya can you go put Mimi cake in the fridge for me?" Dai asked.

"Yeah in a minute." I yelled.

I was fixing my hair trying to get cute. My niece was turning 1 today & we giving her a birthday party. I didn't have to get cute for this but my sister boyfriend Jamarion suppose to bring his brothers over and if they as sexy as him then I had to look my best because I was about to get one of them.

I walked out of the bathroom after I finished my hair and makeup then stuck the cake in the fridge. Daiyanna was bathing her daughter so she can get her dressed and cute for her big day.

After I put up the cake I set up decorations until Dai came to help.

"Hey beautiful. You looking so pretty, come here." I kneel down and held open my arms for my niece. She ran into my open arms hugging me. "Happy birthday." I said kissing her cheek.

My niece was so adorable. She was a spitting image of her dad though. I'm just glad she'll never have to know who he is or go through what we went through. J loves her like his own and I know he'll kill for her.

"Can you watch her for me while I cook?" Dai asked.

"Yea I can. Come on stinky. You hanging out with tt while yo mama burn the house down. We'll be outside." I joked.

"You now funny." My sis said giving me the middle finger entering the kitchen.

I played catch with a balloon and chased Mimi around until my sister was almost done. This was a very hyper baby and she will wear you the hell out if you let her. Kids that small should not have all that energy.

"Bae where you at?" I heard J yell through the house. "What up Miy, where yo sis?" He asked me after speaking.

"She in the kitchen trying to cook." I smiled.

"You better get off my baby cooking." He laughed walking in the kitchen.

Daiyanna can cook but it took her a while to get good. She was a horrible cook for a while and when we lived with Axel I was always the one cooking because she would always burn the food and that would just piss him off.

"What up?" I looked over and saw 2 sex guys walking through the front door.

I looked them both up and down trying to see who was cuter so I can see who I was going to be flirting with for the rest of their visit. They was both equally sex so this wasn't going to be easy.

"Hi." I spoke. They both smiled and took the bags they were holding into the kitchen. "Come on Mimi lets go be stalkers for a minute." I picked her up and took her into the kitchen. I put her down and as soon as she noticed J was her she took off running.

"What up big girl?" He picked her up and tossed her in the air.

"So that's how you doing me now Miyzha? Why you always leaving me for his ugly self? That's ok, don't ask me for no more sweets when yo mama tell you no." I smiled then kissed my niece head.

"Stop hating." He laughed. "Come on let me introduce you to my lil brothers." He walked toward the table where the both were standing. "Tre, Kyle this Lamiya, my girl lil sister." He said. I smiled at them both.

"Nice to meet ya'll." I said shyly. I'm far from shy but I don't know how I want to act around them yet. Plus I was trying to figure out which one I was trying to make mine.

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