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"Are you hungry?" Michael asked leaning in to whisper it in my ear.

"No I'm okay," I said to him. 

"Stop lying I haven't seen you eat all day and your stomachs growling," he argued with me. 

"I can't eat right now Mike," I told him feeling my anxiety come back again. 


"My anxiety is making me feel nauseous right now and I feel like if I eat something I'm going to throw up," I told him finally letting it out. 

"Okay how about I get something and you nibble on it just so I know you tried to eat?" 

"Alright," I said nodding my head in agreement.

We all stopped at this small little Taco Bell on the way back to my apartment. I swear Michael could read my mind because this was the one thing I've wanted all day, and It's all I could think about since my stomach started grumbling and churning with hunger. I was starting to get more hungry than anxious now, and I was afraid to tell Michael. 

"You sure you don't want anything?" Michael asked me as he held the door open for me. 

"No just check your phone," I told him.

Me: I'm starving but I'm afraid to eat in front of the rest of the guys...

Michael checked his phone and then held me back while the rest of the guys went up to the counter to order. He looked me in the eye for the longest time. I could feel my face go red, and I could feel myself shake with anxiousness. I ended up looking down at my shoes, not even knowing I did and played with callouses on my finger tips. 

I felt Michael's cold long finger snake underneath my chin and lift my head up.

"Don't ever think less of yourself because the guys and I are here. We will never ever make fun or judge you for anything you do. The guys think your amazing and so do I," he told me with his accent filling in with some words making my heart beat a thousand times faster. I was sure i was going to have a heart attack at this point, but I wouldn't care because what Michael just said to me was the one thing I needed to hear the most today.

"are you sure?" I asked one last time before I was going to order anything.

"Positive," he said smiling. His desperately chapped red lips turned up into a smile making me fill with warmth making me smile.

"Fine I'll get something," I said smiling and rolling my eyes giving in.

"Good 'cause I'm paying," he told me pulling out his black leather wallet that was as thin as a piece of paper. 

"It doesn't even look like you have any money," I said laughing. 

"I got my debit card sweaty," he said giving me s cheeky smile. 

"I know you dumb nuts," I laughed nudging him in the shoulder. 

"Let me guess," Michael said thinking a second. "You want four nacho cheese tacos and a couple meximelts?"

"yeah how'd you know?" 

"Exactly what I order," he said laughing.

"I'm spooked,"

"Go sit down with the guys I'll bring our food is a minute okay?" 

I nodded my head and started to walk to the guys. They all gave me warm smiles as they sipped at their red stripped straws and looked at their phones. I felt for once like I belonged with some people, but I know it won't last forever. They're here for a week, and then it's back to not seeing Michael or the guys. I don't know how prepared I am for that. I don't know if I can handle going back to my old life to be honest. It'll just be boring.



I just gave up all social media except wattpad and youtube for the moment. Needed some time to take away from everything online, write for you guys, and make some videos. I've been lacking lately and I'm so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry for that you guys but hers another chapter and hopefully I'll have another one ready next monday for yall. 

Also if you wouldnt mind checking out my other stories that'd be great.

I love yall so much and I want to thank you so much for all the reads, likes, comments, etc. You make my day so much just seeing people actually take interest into some crappy writing I make online. 

Till next week


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