Original: Relationship Goals

866 39 7

This is in response to the Sugar and Spice Challenge:

1000 words. A touch, a taste, a tear, a tickle, and a tongue.

I went for sweet with this one. Enjoy!

Words: 1159


Relationship Goals

I cuddle up to Mason, burying my head into his broad chest, taking in his familiar scent. He always smells like the fresh air after a good rainfall. I grip him tighter as we sway to the beat of the music surrounding us, wishing I could just freeze time to this very moment.

Nights like these are the best. Just Mason and me. In his apartment. Dancing. Talking. Laughing. Loving. The simplicity of our date night exactly what I need, especially right now.

"Abby," Mason chuckles. "If you squeeze me any tighter, I won't be able to breathe."

"Sorry," I loosen my grip, feeling my cheeks warm up with embarrassment.

"It's okay, babe." He kisses the top of my head. How did I become so lucky to have someone like him? If only I could continue to hold onto him forever but I know he's going to slip through my fingers. I can't hold onto him forever because my forever is too short.

"You know, I love you," I whisper to him, looking up into his warm brown eyes. People say brown is too plain but if they think so, then they haven't found their very own Mason yet. His are warm fudge chocolate, absolutely delicious.

He leans forward and rubs his nose against mine in an Eskimo kiss. "I love you too, forever and there after."

I smile up at him and he leans forward, nipping at my neck. I can't hold back and end up laughing. He always knows where to go for my ticklish spots to make me laugh or where to nip to make me moan in lust and he has the gift to make me react to both in a matter of seconds of each other. He rubs against me and I laugh some more as the bristles of his beard tickles my sensitive skin. He stops but only to draw my ear into his mouth.

And I moan as a response.

He pulls away with a self-satisfied smirk on his face.

"I love that look on you."

I bite his chin and mentally high-five myself when his eyes darken with need. "And I love it on you too," I purr.

He spins me around the room and I laugh. He dips me backwards and kisses my neck, trailing his lips up until he meets my lips. We straighten back up onto our feet but don't separate for a few long moments, just enjoying the taste of each other.

He chuckles and pulls back. "You taste like cinnamon." He licks his lips.

"Oh yeah? I want a taste." I pull his black curly hair until he bends so we can continue to kiss some more. I pull away and smile. "I really do taste like cinnamon." I smack my lips as if tasting it on my lips.

He laughs and shakes his head, his expression the one he gets when I do something he finds really amusing.

I reach up and trace his broad jaw with my fingers.

He's mine. He will always be mine, no matter. He was my first and he will be my last.

My fingers move up to his high cheekbones. So perfect.

"Why the serious look?" he asks.

I try to smile at the question but before I know it, I'm overwhelmed and tears fall down.

His smile slips away. "Baby, what's wrong." We stop moving to the soft music in the background, our date night pretty much over now.

I shake my head and hiccup.

He rubs my tears away. "You can tell me."

I lean my head against his chest.

"Everything is too perfect and I don't want to ruin it."

"You can never ruin anything, Abby."

I sigh, knowing that isn't the case.

He rubs my back, trying to coach the truth out me but I don't want to tell him. I still have trouble wrapping my head around what needs to happen and what the chances are for survival.

"Please, Abby, tell me. I promise to fix it."

I look up into his eyes. "I don't think you can fix this."

"Why not."

I bite my lip. "I went to the doctor. You know how bad my heart is. Well, it's at its end now and I have to go into surgery. Chances of survival are about twenty percent."

"Oh, Abby, is this what has you all closed off lately? Why didn't you tell me?" His expression falls into sorrow and I hate knowing he's feeling like this because unlucky enough to love me.

I sniff back tears before they fall again. "Because everything is so perfect. I can't even accept what Dr. Berdan told me. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the news. I've been fighting for so long and to think it can end just like that." I shake my head.

Mason pulls me into a tight hug. "It'll be okay. You know why?"

"Why?" I say into his chest.

"Because you have me. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere. We fought this for so long and this is only another little bump on our timeline. We will fight this together."

I squeeze him, falling even more in love with him if that were possible. The fact that he stressed the 'we' part makes him all the more amazing.

"You're too good for me. You should find some pretty woman who's healthy and doesn't have death looming over her. You deserve someone who will still be alive come fifty years down the road. Someone you can grow old with and have children with and to spoil grandchildren with."

He pulls back, his eyes simmering with determination and longing. His eyes pull me in and I nearly get lost in them. "And I'm one of the lucky bastards who found her," he whispers. "You are it for me. You. You were seven years ago, when I accidentally dumped a can of paint on you and you will continue to be it after this surgery. And when you wake up from this surgery, I'll be there with flowers, a smile, and a ring to prove how perfect you are for me."

I sob this time, but for different reasons.

His words warm me, making me believe that maybe I will get out of it alive. I have a twenty percent chance to make it out alive and I'll take those chances. And with Mason by my side, my chances increase to a hundred percent. There is no way I can leave behind someone like him.

I pull him down for another kiss, a kiss full of promises. He licks my bottom lip and I open up to him, allowing his tongue to slip inside. He makes love to my mouth with promises of many more to come.

With Mason at my side, there is definitely more to come.

How am I so lucky to have a man like him all to myself?

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