Yael & Gus, Warriors Supreme

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Yael did not know how she was going to pay her rent. 

She sat slouched in her booth at a tiny McDonald's in a corner of New York City. She miserably stirred her fries in the small pool of salt she had gathered, her eyes downcast and her eyes unsmiling.

The day was clear, the sun was bold and there was barely a cloud in the sky. NYC summers could be unbearable, but this one was being kind to her. Perhaps in compensation for the terrible situation unfolding in front of her.

Was she going to get evicted? Would she have to live in a homeless shelter? A lot of homeless people had dogs with them, should she get one to evoke sympathy from the passing strangers? But how could she possibly care for a dog if she couldn't care for herself?

She ate another fry. 

As Yael considered simply eating the salt, she felt a shiver run down her back. Someone was watching her.

She quickly spun around in her seat, only to face a solid expanse of white painted walls. She slowly turned back towards her table, directing shifty eyes to everyone. No one paid much attention to her and Yael was left wondering if she had shivered from despair or hopelessness.

A sudden hand on her shoulder promptly jerked her out of her train of thought. It was a tall guy, with fair skin and dark hair and dark eyes. 

"Are you ok?" he asked her. Was he the one who was staring at her? If so, this was a really bold move.

Yael stared at him. He quickly turned flustered and jerkily retracted his hand back from her shoulder. 

"M-My name is," he stuttered, "It's um, it's Gus. What's yours?"

Yael still didn't respond. Was this God trying to help her out? Was this guy gonna give her money or tell her that she won the lottery (even if her dad had told her to never participate in such games of chance)? 

"I know I'm being a little forward." He continued stammering. Yael was starting to feel a little bad but mostly uncomfortable. "I just, you looked so alone sitting here. I thought maybe.." Gus took the same hand he used to touch her shoulder to scratch at the back of his head. "I could.. sit here.. with... you?"

And now he was asking for permission. Strange, Yael concluded. Strangers never approached anyone so without warning and Yael certainly didn't think she was an exception to that rule. She must have looked really stupid, glaring at walls and eating piles of salt. 

"My name is Yael. You can sit here if you want to. Public property and all."

Gus quickly sat down, awkwardly fumbling into his side of the booth. "Right, yeah, public property."

Once he had settled down, he folded his hands and seemed to exert a lot of effort to look into her eyes and keep a steady expression. "Hello Yael, it's nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, Gus. Is that short for something?"

"Uh, yeah, Ocatvius, but please, call me Gus."

"Do I get an option?"


"Can I call you Octavius instead?"


"These niceties are wonderful. You're really good at small talk."

"Are you mocking me?"

"No, I'm complimenting you. You're just reacting badly."

"I've just come to make conversation with a pretty girl that looked lonely."

"That sounds like something a predator would say."

Gus started to look mad. Was he going to leave? She quickly tried to salvage the conversation.

"I'm sorry. You're just being nice for no reason."


"You think I'm pretty?"

Some more silence. Maybe Gus had some really bad previous encounters with predators?

"Yeah." He mumbles under his breath. He speaks! 


"I'm not going to feed your ego."

A lot more silence. 

Yael resumes eating her meal. Gus follows her. Yael tried for another compliment.

"I think you're pretty too. You know, on the inside or whatever."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2013 ⏰

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