Simon says follow Jasi's mind

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I have drawn a continuous line on my skin

Scratching out the attempted virtues
Disposing of them
into a recycling bin

Where they are filtered and compressed
to the size of a tin
Converted to poison equivalent to gin

That I
oh-so-casually chug through myself
My eyes all the while begging for help

that I do not accept
Poison that sticks inside as my heart cries yelp

My fickle mind
Low and high accompanying life with a sigh

At every opportunity that arises I raise my hand to form a goodbye

I will no longer ask for minimalism
when my mind travels with the girls down to PRYZM

Collecting this junk
Waking up to watch how low I have sunk



Supposedly have spent 7 years growing roots
Today counts and today I haven't given a hoot

Forgive me
Forgive the I



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