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   The boy pulled the blanket up on his shoulders, after taking a timid sip of the warm tea he was offered when the woman brought him into the room.

   After Peter had gathered his bearings, thinking back, he could hardly remember what the outside of the building looked like when he entered.

   He held the cup close, keeping it at his lips as he looked up at the woman who brought him here.

   She smiled at this, her shoulders bouncing as she chuckled. "Do you need a change of clothes? Those are awfully.. blood-stained."

   "Yes, please.. if it wouldn't be too much trouble.." Peter answered shyly, taking another sip of the tea. It was such a tasty, hot relief from the outside weather, which was terribly cold. It was always cold in London, it seemed. Cold and stormy.

   "You're no trouble. We always welcome new members." The woman offered him a warm smile as she called a girl into the room. She was short and small, but strangely full of energy. Maybe they all got like this when they acquired their 'new members'.

   Members to what, exactly?

   She scurried off and returned a few moments later, a clean stack of clothes in her thin arms. She handed these to the woman, who then placed them beside Peter.

   "Those might be a tad big on you. You're awfully scrawny for a man." The woman teased him.

   Peter felt uncomfortable, just a tad, and laughed nervously in response. "Man isn't the word I'd use.. I'm only fifteen."

   Her eyes shifted in a silent response to this. "Oh.. well. That's alright, you can still be trained."

   Peter felt strange that she seemed disappointed.

   "Are you going to tell me your name?" He suddenly queried.

   "Oh- that's right. I still haven't explained everything, have I?" She murmured.

   "..Or anything at all." Peter muttered in response.

   "I'm sorry for that. My name is Victoria, and that's what you'll call me. This is your new home, and I'm this house's superior. The other trainees surrounding you are in the same position you are, so don't be afraid to make any friends." Victoria explained with a grin.

   "..I hate to point out your mistake, but.." Peter mumbled, suddenly standing up. "I am not in the same position as them."

   Victoria gave him a cautious glance. "What do you mean by that, boy?" She asked, her cheerful demeanor vanishing. She seemed very protective of these people she harbored.

   "..I don't belong here." He said quietly.

   Victoria's face twisted in a strange way. She was indecisive, it seemed.  After a few seconds of uncomfortable silence, she stood up with him. She took a step forward, looking down at him with a smile on her face. It was at this moment that Peter realized how easy it would be for her to crush him like bug under her foot.

   "Of course you do, Peter. I know you can't understand that yet. But there are people out there who want to hurt you, and I'd rather protect a valuable asset than to see someone else burn you alive, hm?" She leaned close, her smile suddenly sending chills down his spine.

   "Or.. they could try another method of exploiting your abilities," She went on, "Like using you to kill others."

   Peter stepped back, fear contorting his face. His heart was pounding out of his chest, his breathing was irregular and dizzying. "I-I don't understand, what are you talking about? I.. I have n-no abilities."

   She laid a gentle hand on his shoulder, her once grinning face now full of concern. "You do. The bleeding you experienced? That was your own doing. You have that ability, to manipulate bloodstreams, because you're a witch. And that's one big reason why you do belong here."

   This was all too much for Peter to comprehend. He blinked an uncountable amount of times, searching for some sort of answer in her face or eyes. He fell away from her and slapped himself, pinched himself, muttered to himself that this was all some sort of nightmare and that he'd wake up any minute. He went hysterical, almost, murmuring to himself and rocking on his heels.

   Victoria gave him a disappointed look, whispering something to the girl and then going back over to him. That was all he remembered until everything faded to black, accompanied by a sharp pain.

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