Chapter 1- October

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Noah felt the cold breeze of a late October day, kids were dressing up and knocking at people's doors for candy. He'd locked his door, not wanting to leave the house to go to a motel. Feeling the strange as could be Observer following him and videotaping him. It just sent chills down his spine.

A sudden buzz of his phone traced him out of his thoughts. He reached into his front pocket of his jeans to pull out his phone. A message from Evan appeared. Saying, 'hey! Vinny and I were wondering if you could get a plane over here? I mean. Since it's almost just us three...'

Noah swallowed a somewhat guilt that choked in his throat. He still believed Milo and his mother were alive. Or at least Milo was alive.

He suddenly shot back a text replying, 'yeah, sure. Should I pack now?'

Evan smiled brightly, Vinny sighing when he saw it. "I bet he won't be able to come" Vinny said madly. Evan gave a small little hush, taking his phone and seeing the message as he grinned. "He's coming. Don't be so rude, Vin" he pouted. Vinny rolled his eyes.

Noah shoved his phone into his pocket and turned away from the window he was staring out. The thought of the New Jersey in November almost made him cringe. He'd only been to New Jersey only 3 times. Twice at Christmas time and once in the summer.

He walked up the stairs barefoot, thinking of what he'd be packing for who knows how long of a trip he'd be going for.

Noah snatched his camera from the nightstand next to his bed. Turned it on and placed it on a shelf, clicking the record button gently. He swallowed in a sharp breath and exhaled.

"Hello everyone" he said, his voice raspy, "turns out, I get to go see the two; Vinny and Evan. They invited me. So now I'm just gonna pack for now... uh" he said. Glancing around. "I'll return to videoing when I get to the airport" Noah sighed. Reaching up to click the Sony camera off ((I know what camera he has because I talked to him before.... ;3 ))

A small chill down his spine sent him shivering as he glanced around, nothing was there.
Now-a-days, he felt that anytime he felt alone.... He wasn't.

"Who the fuck is there??" He growled, clenching his fist as he dropped the shirt that he was now holding. "Show your god-damn self now!"

No responses were given to Noah, making anger begin to rise to his forehead. Sending a hard bang against his temple, knowing it was just a stupid beginning of a migraine while Observer played jokes. Just laughing at him. Just wanting to make him feel terrified and cornered.

He swallowed his fear and anger and rubbed his hands on his face. Thinking the scene over. Doing this. He sighed, grabbing the T-Shirt and stuffing it into a duffle bag. His body continued to send chills down his spine but he ignored it. Knowing Observer just wanted the attention.

His phone buzzed.

A new text from Evan appeared, reading the message he sighed. Evan was either cheerful, or just plain out scared and terrified of himself. With Jeff gone because of Habit. Evan locked himself away from social life; only Vinny and I talked to him, he felt so scared of himself that Vinny has caught Evan crying himself to sleep while he was gone for the night.

Noah felt bad for him. Knowing the pain they were all going through. It was painful and rough...

He snapped out of his thoughts. Realizing that he'd already stuffed and shoved in about a week or two worths of clothes. Noah grabbed a smaller bag, placing 32GB Memory SD cards into the bag. Along with two batteries. He glanced at his camera and reached to get it, taking ahold of the camera, he turned to look around my room.

It was mostly empty, except a dresser and bed. Noah didn't really gather a lot of items and such. If he'd ever had to leave in a hurry and something bad happened to my house. Noah wouldn't worry because he'd mostly would have all the stuff.

He opened another drawer. Checking to see if he needed anything else, Noah froze. Seeing the brief case in there. All the items in that were spread around in the case except the rubric-cube. He sighed again, rubbing a hand through his hair, he didn't like having the small memories of Milo, or at least the last times Noah saw him. It hurt him that he was found dead, because of that.. THING.

He shoved the brief case into his duffle bag with his clothes.

Noah looked around. Wondering if he needed anything else; which he didn't. Noah then checked his phone to see the time, it being 9:00pm. By now. The kids would be going home, he'd be fine. But he thought he'd wait till the morning before getting a flight ticket to New Jersey.

Noah placed his phone down, on his nightstand, on the charger.

He didn't really have to change because he was wearing just comfy jeans and a plain black t-shirt. Nothing that he'd have to worry about. Noah yanked the blankets off the bed and sighed. Sitting at the edge of it to remove his watch (yes. I know he's wearing a watch, but he checked his time on his phone. Just think he has like a old clock watch and not a digital one. And he thinks checking his phone is easier. :3) and place it on the nightstand; he rubbed his wrist for a second and sighed. Scooting father back on his bed to lay his head down. A sharp pain filled his brain with the headache. But he ignored it.)

Thinking that he'd be seeing Vinny and Evan soon actually almost made him smile; he'd be with some close friends....

His eyes felt heavy, maybe because of the lack of sleep he got, this would have been one of the earliest nights he's gone to sleep in about 2 years (relatable) he closed his eyes and let sleep take over.


Word count: 1078)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2016 ⏰

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