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The bullet had gone straight through Audrey and embedded in self into one of Abbey's ribs. Abbey was still in surgery, because Audrey had gone first. She woke up, thinking Kayla would be smiling down on her, but she wasn't.

"Mom?" Audrey blinked, "what are you doing here?"

"Hi, baby, I'm so sorry." She said, sitting in the chair next to the bed, "I should have been there. I should have done something."

"We recorded the whole thing." Audrey squeezed her eyes shut, "on our phones."

She nodded, "I know."

There was a knock at the door and Sierra came in, a worried look on her face. "Hey. I don't know you very well, really not at all..."

"Come in." Audrey said, "I'm sorry."

"About what?"

"In sorry about Kayla. You lost her too." She whispered, squeezing Sierra's hand. "We shouldn't have gone in that house."

Sierra nodded, knowing that this is what Audrey needed to get through it. So she listened, while her mom left to take a call and get water. She listen and let Audrey cry. It was then that she realized both of them needed it. To talk about what happened, to laugh about Kayla, and use an entire box of tissues crying over their mutual loss.

They hugged at the end, both feeling a little better, and Sierra waited as they checked the stitches on Audrey's shoulder.

"Nice scar." Sierra said when they walked away.

"Yeah, my boyfriend was an ass." She replied, numb.

Sierra laughed slightly, and another doctor came in with a police officer tailing her. "Abbey is out of surgery, but she'll be out for another couple hours."

They nodded and Audrey turned on the tv in her room, taking the water her mom handed her. Everything was mellow for a while, until they heard a loud bang coming from far away. It seemed to echo in Audrey's ears as she sat up.

"What was that?" Sierra asked, opening her eyes from her nap.

"That was a gun shot." Audrey mumbled as another and another echoed through the quiet halls. People started running around, locking doors and closing blinds. A police officer came in, closing the door and turning off the tv.

"What about abbey?" Audrey asked her as she twisted the blinds. People were screaming.

"She's two floors above us." The woman answered, "and had two officers posted at her door who are following the same procedure I am."

There was another gun shot. "Audrey..." a man said over the loud speaker, "where are you?"

She held her breath even though he couldn't hear her.

"How many more people do I have to kill before you come out of hiding?" He asked, "I have lots to choose from, including you're mother."

Audrey ripped off her IV and took the cannula out of her nose, standing.

"Miss, you can't." The cop held her hands up.

"But she's my mom!" Audrey whispered.

"Or I could just take her with me and kill two moms with one bullet." She could hear his smile, "I wonder how that will affect Abigail? Finding her friend could have done something, but instead got her family killed?"

Audrey picked up the phone, calling the front desk. "Don't hurt her."

"Hello, Audrey." He said, "how was the surgery?"

"If you touch my mother I swear-"

"What? You hate your mother anyway." He continued, "why risk your own life?"

"Because family is important." She answered.

He gasped, "that's the point I've been trying to get across this whole time. My family is important to me. Abbey is important to me."

"If she was important to you why would you let Tate rape her?" She asked and he chuckled.

"Now that we're on the subject." He smiled, "it's not like she was a virgin anyway. Those two men raped her along with my mother. Did you just prove she's my sister?"

"Why do you have to torture it out of her? Couldn't you just take a blood test?" Sierra asked.

"That's not ask fun." He twirled the cord between his fingers, watching the people he held captive cry and squirm.

"You won't get out of this one alive." Audrey found herself saying, "you attacked a hospital full of phones."

"I cut off the service." He replied.

It was Audrey's turn to chuckle. "We learned in the beginning you don't need service to call the cops."

He paused, "then it's a good thing I have friends on the force."

Audrey looked at the cop, who was now holding the gun to her head. "Sorry."

"You killed my best friend." He said, "I'm coming for you, Abbey, and anyone else she ever loved. We'll be a happy family."

"You sick son of a-"

He clicked his tongue, "do you use that language around your mother?"

The cop walked them out of the room and into the hall. They went up first, finding two men posted outside Abbey's room.

"Is she still unconscious?" The woman asked.

"She's been breathing in chloroform since she got out of surgery." One answered, "she's not waking up for a while."

Sierra grabbed the cops gun, flipped her over and took her taser in one fluid movement. She shot the three officers and opened the doors to Abbey's room. Sam was unconscious in the bed next to her, a cannula in his nose as well.

"How are we supposed to get them out?" Audrey asked, "especially with all these people?"

"We have three guns, two unconscious teenagers, at least half a police force behind us, but he still outsmarts us every time." Sierra thought aloud, "why?"

Audrey pursed her lips, looking at Abbey, "well first they need to start waking up."

She took the cannulas out of their noses and found a needle full of adrenaline. She stuck it into her friends IV and found another.

"Now what?"

Sierra bit her lip, "we call her dad."

The Lying GameTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang