Imagine for Sydney

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I could hear the waves crashing on to the shore and the seagulls gull, I opened my eyes the sun blinded me I blinked a couple of times for my eyes to adjust I was curled up in my bed something didn't feel right I turned my head there was a note

To my darling Sydney

Please get dressed and come down stairs I'm waiting. Love you

~Niall. H xxx

I got up and went to my wardrobe, I picked out a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a pink tank top and a jacket with my necklace Niall bought me this necklace on our anniversary it was silver and had 'my princess' engraved in it I loved the necklace I put some make up on and did my hair I made it in to a braid it took about 5 mins to do I was satisfied with my look and I walked down the stairs "Niall" I shouted "yea babe" Niall whispered in my ear giving me the shivers "you ready" Niall said before spinning me around and planting a kiss on my forehead "yeah I am, where are we going" I asked "wait and see" Niall said smirking "ok" I said we walked out of our flat and down the streets "you hungry" Niall said to me I nodded "let's go" I said happily we walked to the ice-creamery "hello what would you like" the girl said at the counter she had blonde hair and bright blue eyes and she looked like she was about 20 she wore black leggings and a purple tunic "um I would like a chocolate chip ice-cream" Niall said "ok what about you sweetheart" "umm can i please have a strawberry ice-cream please" I said smiling politely "sure thing. I'll be right back" she said turning around to get a scooper from out the back "I wonder what her name is" Niall whispered to me "yeah I'll ask next time she comes kay" I said smiling towards my amazing boyfriend, she came back with a scooper in her hand "did you want it in a large cone" she asked nicely "yes please" Niall said "um excuse me" I said politely "yes" she said quietly "what is your name" I asked again "oh um Crystal" (sorry i just wanted to be in the sorry so my apologise) she said smiling again "that's a nice name" I said "thanks, what is yours" she said "my name is Sydney and this Niall" I said happily I looked Crystal was smiling "you are very cute together" she said smiling she got the ice-creams done "strawberry for Sydney, and chocolate chip for Niall" Crystal said "thanks" I said "how much" Niall said to Crystal "$5.00 please" (soz about money I'm from Australia so I just did it like that Kay ill stop talking now) Niall handed the money to Crystal "thank you" Crystal said "bye Crystal it was a pleasure to meet you" I said nicely "you too, good bye Sydney, good bye Niall" Crystal waved bye to us and we did the same. Me and Niall walked out of the ice-cream parlour and started to eat our delicious ice-creams "now where are we going" I asked getting impatient "you'll see" Niall said smiling, I started to wonder where we were heading we got in the car and silently ate our ice-creams once we devoured the ice-creams Niall turned to me "put this on, please" Niall said grabbing a blind fold "ok" I grabbed the blind fold of off Niall and placed it over my eyes "Niall can you please tie it up for me" I asked politely "sure love" Niall replied he tied the blind fold into a knot I couldn't see it was black "how man fingers am I holding up" Niall asked "nialllll" I whined Niall laughed "just checking, now let's go" Niall said I knew he was smiling Niall started the ignition and the car started to go *1 hour and 20 mins into the car ride* "Niall are we there yet" I whined Niall chuckled "almost love almost"

I kind of drifted off to sleep I heard the car stop and was put into park I heard Niall get out of the car I lifted my head off the window the car door opened Niall helped me out of the car "you ready" he whispered I nodded I was bursting with excitement "Niall please hurry up I'm really excited" i said "ok, watch your step, I don't want you to fall" Niall said worried that I was going to get hurt "ok" I said "stop" I stopped walking and Niall undid the knot and let it drop to the floor when I opened my eyes my hand went to my mouth and tears brimmed my eyes it was so beautiful

(Keep going soz)

What was in front of my eye was a beautiful picnic that was on a private beach with the most spectacular sun set ever I looked up and there were fairy lights above my head and a CD player and a dance floor "Niall it's beautiful" I said tearing up "not as beautiful as you" Niall said I blushed "me lady, may I please have his dance" Niall said bowing "you may" I said curtsy we danced the night away it was magical "Sydney, may I ask you a question" Niall said after we finished our fifth slow dance for the night "sure Ni what is it" I said "uh I uh" Niall stuttered its cute when Niall stutters like that he's nervous he grabbed my hands and went on one knee "Sydney would you do the honour of being my wife" Niall said pulling out a silver ring "Niall it's beautiful, I would LOVE to" I said Niall slipped the ring on my finger and span me around in three full circles and placed a kiss on to my lips it was full of love and passion. It was the best night of your life and all night you spent the whole night with he man you love dearly.

So who liked it I am really sorry if it's long I literally didn't know it was going to be this long I get carried away really easily so sorry plz vote and comment thanks I'm going to be making more imagines so yeah if you want one just comment me thanks

~Crystal Moon ❄❄

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