Chapter Six

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June 26th, 2007

Barry decided to wait until late June to visit his cousin, Maria. The flight to Wisconsin was not going to happen for Barry. What I was intending to do was poison him using a syringe. I was going to be quick about it. There was no time to strategize. I had to kill Barry fast. Barry drove a red Toyota.

Instead of injecting a syringe into his neck, I decided that I wanted to use a tranquilizer gun. The dart has the poison in it. I won't tell you what the poison is because I came up with it.

Barry's liscense plate read: I Luv Me. I thought that was amusing, but he was a huge narcissist. I scanned the parking lot for two hours. Finally, I saw Barry getting out of his car. I aimed the rifle at the back of his head and pulled the trigger. Barry fell flat to his face.

I had to parachute off the roof because someone opened the door to the roof. I was always prepared no matter what the situation was.

I made it all the way across the nearby river. There was no one around. There usually was no one around because too many people have drowned in this river. They called it the "Ghost River." Some people claimed to have seen apparitions roaming around looking for closure. I'm pretty sure those people needed to be heard or seen. It's pretty clear to me that those people needed to feel special or validated. I could drink beers and relax at this river all day long. Thinking about that is amusing.

It took me an hour and twenty-seven minutes to get to a train station that was further away from the airport.

Two policeman approached me and one of them was eyeing me up and down. His name was Officer McAvoy. I hoped this was not Garrett's brother.

Officer McAvoy said, "You look really familiar. I believe that I've seen you around that S&S gas station."

"Okay...." was my response.

"You had a suitcase, sunglasses like the ones you're wearing and you wore a wig. Obviously, that is why you're hair style is different," he added.

Before he could say anything else, I bolted in the opposite direction. They were onto me. How long have they been following me? Did they know where I live?

There was no point in returning to my house. I pushed people out of the way and I stumbled down the stairs.

The officers were catching up. I pulled a pistol out of my jacket and fired it to get the crowd out of my way. I was able to get off the final stairwell.

"Drop the fucking gun!" I heard the officers shouting behind me.

I punch a guy off his motorcycle and I sped off. I was not sure where to go. My cover was blown. Why did I not plan this far ahead? Well.... There's that old saying: "failing to prepare is preparing to fail." This would be the end.

The officers caught up to me and knocked me off the bike with their car.

I got up with my pistol and McAvoy shot me in the arm.

"Don't you fucking get up again!," he shouted.

After being cuffed and thrown into the car. McAvoy said something that struck me.

"You didn't just kill Patrick. I know that you also killed Cane, Garrett, and now Barry. No matter how slick you think you are, someone is watching you. An old woman saw everything at Cane's party. You gotta love old people, man. She zoomed in on a camera and saw you knocking out a clown while wearing a clown outfit. There is a man named Myron that is missing. Recently, we installed hidden cameras throughout the city. The miltary has crafted drones with cloaking devices to be able to detect a crime. These drones place markers on all people in the U.S. and all of you are identified using a number. You can't hide from us because the drones are equipped with night and thermal vision," Officer McAvoy informed me.

How in the world did they come up with this over night or was this planned for a while? When I was an engineer, this kind of project was believed to only be available in two decades. That would be in 2027. Now in the same year that I stopped being an engineer, they got it to work. Plus that was my idea! Those goddamn thieves.

"Get out," McAvoy said. "I wish that I could have a chance to beat your ass for killing my brother. Better yet, I would enjoy killing you myself."

At this point, I stopped caring.

I'll Have Revenge To Go, Please (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now