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"He's so cute Jon" I told him as we sat outside the back yard watching the kids play together

"I know I still can't believe I'm a father" he says watching his son

I hesitate before I spoke again "W-what happened Jon Jon" I asked him looking at the side of his head

I seen his body tense up and he looked stuck for a moment

"You don't have to tell me if- no its ok I'll tell you" he said cutting me off

He took a deep breath "T-that day my boyfriend h-had just left so I was cleaning when I heard something up stairs fall but I didn't pay it no mine so I went in the kitchen to cut up some tomato for my salad that's when I felt someone run there hands thru my hair and I turned around and t-there he was standing there smirking so I stabbed him in the shoulder and made a run but when I made it to the sofa he pulled my hair making me fall back he put me in the choke hold and he lean down to my ear "I told you I would come back" then he kiss my temple I started feeling light headed so I know I had to do something so I grabbed a picture from the wall and hit him with it and he still didn't let go so I pick up a piece of glass and stabbed him until he did. When he did I turn around and got on top of him and stabbed him until it was blood every where I stop when I heard some one out side and when the door open it was you" he said staring off into space

"W-who is he Jon" I asked him

"LAN" he said in a low voice

When he said that my body became stiff I thought he was dead....LAN is Jon ex boyfriend that use to beat him

"But they said you was dead at the house" I told him

"I was but they brought me back to life and when I got out they sent me back to my home town to a home to a rehab center and I stayed for a while until I went to live with my ma" he told me watching his son laugh and play

"What about him" I asked referring to how he got a son

"Well see before I started dating boys I dated this girl name sherry in high school and we messed around so while I was at my ma house she came by and she looked a mess I could tell she was on something so I just told her I would raise him until she get her self together and the rest is history" he said smiling at me

I smiled back "You are so strong and I'm proud of you Jon Jon" I told him

"Thanks but enough about me what has been happening around here" he asked smirking but before I could get a word out Trent came walking out

"Alright baby I'm gone" he said coming down kissing my lips

"Ok love you" I told him

"Love you too" he said

"Bye Zaddy" Jon said licking his lips at Trent

Trent shot him a bird and walked away

"When ever you ready baby" Jon yelled behind him

I was laughing I swear it's time like is that I miss

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