Caught me dancing

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     Zen isn't going to be home for a little while, so you take this as a good time to get things clean around the apartment. It's not bad, but when you two are together keeping everything clean is kind of the last thing on your minds so it starts to pile up. You grab your ipod (yes we're going old school here) and plug your headphones in determined to get everything done before he gets home. You feel a rush of energy as your music turns up and begin cleaning.
     After a few hours all that's left is vacuuming so you spread out the carpet freshener and grab the handle. As you turn it on one of your favorite songs comes on and you can't help but dance and sing along to the beat. Unbeknownst to you, Zen has come home and put the groceries down on the counter and is watching you from the kitchen.
     He leans against the wall and smiles, watching you twirl the vacuum around and sing at the top of your lungs,
" If I had you! That would be the only thing I'd ever need. If I had you! Money fame and fortune never could compeeete."
      You looked like you were having so much fun he couldn't help but jump in. Taking one of your headphones out of your ear he places it in his and grabs your hand, spinning you around to face him. Caught off guard; your face turns red but he's laughing and starts singing the song to you. Soon you're both spinning around and singing and having a great time.
     As the song comes to an end, he leans you back in a dip in a passionate kiss. After you separate he places his forehead against yours and laughs, "I have the most adorable wife on the planet!"

Zen (Hyun Ryu) one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now