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That horrid packet got thrown onto my desk. I looked up nervously at Mrs. Kang, who was staring back at me intently.

"You failed the English test. Again."

"I know."

"You told me and your parents that you would at least try this time. I'm really disappointed, so many younger students look up to you."

"I did try! Mrs. Kang, I really did..." my voice trailed off as I imagined my father's upset face if he finds out.

"Why don't you go get help here? The tutors could at least boost your grade up."

I bit my lip, already knowing she'd mention it. "I would but..."

"But?" Mrs. Kang raised her eyebrow.

I gulped. "I have Namjoon! He can help."
That obviously wasn't the reason why. There were rumors of the girls teaching being...what you call clingy. Always holding on, wanting your number, thinking you want their attention...

"Yoongi." Mrs. Kang patted my desk rather loudly, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Were you listening?"
"Yeah? What did I say?"
"My name." She gave me a blank stare and sighed, "I'll be contacting your parents later to schedule your tutoring sessions."

Before I could protest, she patted my shoulder before heading off to another student. I rolled my eyes before heading out the classroom, ready to head home.


"There you are!" Hoseok exclaimed, waving his arm obnoxiously as I got closer.

Namjoon and Seokjin greeted me as Hoseok leaned against the gate, observing me. "What?" I asked.

"What's wrong with our dear grandpa today? Did you not take a nap in first hour?" I smacked his head.

"Ani! I just...failed my English test again." Namjoon let out a loud sigh, "You're never going to get better."

"Yah, how is that supposed to make him feel better?" Jin retorted.

"It wasn't."

"Whatever," I said. "The only thing I'm worried about is Mrs. Kang is making me go to tutoring."

"Tutoring?!?" The three of them exclaimed, and the knot in my stomach tightened.

"That sucks, I'm so sorry for you." Hoseok said, pouting.

"I know, you'll be stuck with Jiyeon."

I cringed at the name, that girl was known for being one of the top students and being most fluent in English. The only problem was she was a huge drama queen, seeking attention at any point possible.

"Don't worry, there'll probably be others teaching. Maybe you can find a dude if you have a good chance." Namjoon said, and I groaned. There were obviously NO guys teaching English.

"Yoongi, fighting!" Hoseok yelled, slapping my back. The others did the same and I sighed, hoping nothing will go wrong tomorrow.


"H-how long will you be gone?" I asked, biting my lip nervously at Jiyeon's offer.

"Just for three weeks. Don't worry, tutoring is so easy. The kids just ask for help and you grant their wish. Don't forget to act cute too, maybe a guy will get attracted."

I cringed, that wasn't so easy. 'Act cute.' I can't even act happy.

"Alright, I gotta go to the airport. Tell me if you have problems, okay?" Jiyeon winked at me before stepping into the taxi.

I, on the other hand, was left at the sidewalk with a huge packet of notes and instructions.

Jiyeon was a girl I've known since we were young. I wouldn't say we're friends, we were just stuck together for years.

She was always the best. Always getting her way, having the top grades, being popular, I envied her. When could I ever experience that, I was always below her by one level, but it felt like I was the worst...

Now, she was leaving for America because of an offer to study abroad. I was left here to take the job of tutoring kids because I was one of the top three acing students.

I trudged back to the English room, where a stack of papers were already waiting for me. I looked over at the top file which had the names of the students. A new name was scribbled down at the bottom, and my eyebrows raised.

Min Yoongi

"Hmm..." I didn't bother to look at it anymore and instead continued organizing the packets, getting ready for the stress of tomorrow that waited for me.




Im so excited for this book tbh😂 i prepared it a long ago~

But yea plz comment vote and share^^ ily all<33333

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