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It was dark. I couldn't see, I forgot what happened. You stood up in the darkness keeping a hand on the wall to keep steady. I saw a distant light, you walked to it while mumbling "where am I?" You then remembered it all, I ran to a abandoned neighborhood because I was chased by a group of high schoolers. I forgot why they chased me, but I know I stayed in the abandoned building and hid from them. "I guess I fell asleep." You began to walk outside, cautious of your surroundings. I'm safe. You signed and thought 'I should head back home. They probably aren't looking for me anymore.'  You left the building and ran to the nearest city, which was abandoned as well. And a hangout for high schoolers. But of course, I didn't know that. I passed the corner of a building leading to my neighborhood. Then I saw Jack "!" You panicked and hid behind the corner. 'Did he see me? Are they still looking for me? What should I do? That's the only way home.' You slightly look back and notice Jack looking your way, not noticing you yet. 'Maybe he didn't see me?' I thought. Jack said to his friends "I think I saw Jena." 'Great just my luck!' I thought. Daniel, one of Jack's friends said "Give it a rest, she's long gone." I smiled, knowing I'll be able to leave soon. But I couldn't be any more wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2016 ⏰

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