Act One Scene Four- Betrayal

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Act one scene four ;


Well Willis, What have you found out?


Sir, Kyung said he didn't know why he was here... I informed him my authorities had received word that two American Warships have been attacked on the first of June. to our knowledge No one has received any word on why the Koreans attacked two American Warships, neither Have we received an apology from the Koreans. I told him he was here to answer those questions.




He didn't seem to understand what I was talking about, And said he knows nothing. I asked him why the Koreans attacked the Warships- he said he didn't know. I asked him why he pretended not to speak English He said it was because he did not want to talk. He said the last time he talked English, Americans hit him and took him prisoner.


Did you actually find anything useful, Willis?


When I asked why the Koreans attacked the ships, he said they didn't know they were American ships. But then he said they knew they were American ships. And well...


And what, Willis?


He asked me to let him go... so he could see his family.


And what did you say?


I said that would be impossible.


Anything else?


Just one thing, sir...Kyung said he had shamed his people because he has been taken prisoner. He said he will never be allowed to go back home. He said the Americans have killed him by taking him here... He said It doesn't matter what I tell you, he will die either way...


So these past hours all you have been able to get out of him is the Koreans knew that They were American ships. And he's dead no matter what we do to him.


Yes, sir...


I will be back here at 9 tomorrow morning, If you haven't got any more information that is of importance, Smith and I will start to undergo Kyung's interrogation personally.

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