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Pete blushes as Dallon boops his nose. The past week, Pete has been all smiles and laughs.

And that was because of Dallon.

Dallon was a new student, well, sort of new. He's been there for about a month. It wasn't until last week that Dallon finally got the courage to talk to Pete.

Patrick watches in a distance, rolling his eyes when Dallon whispers something in Pete's ear, both laughing afterwards.

"Y'know, you're really funny" Pete smiles, looking at Dallon.

"I am? Well... I think, well, I know that you're very cute" Dallon smiles cheekily as Pete blushes.

Patrick watches as Pete blushes, anger boiling up inside himself. He takes out his phone and sends Pete a text.

To: Pete
I miss you. It's been a month. Just talk to me... please.

Patrick watches as Pete grabs his phone out of his pocket. Pete frowns at the text, Dallon notices. "Is everything okay?" Dallon asks.

Pete clears his throat. "Yeah, yeah. Everything's fine" he mumbles, putting his phone back in his pocket.

"You sure?" Dallon raises an eyebrow, eyeing Pete. "Do you need a hug?"

A small smile creeps onto Pete's face. Dallon smiles, too. Dallon opens his arms, and Pete hugs him. Pete is too short to wrap his arms around Dallons neck, so he wraps his arms around Dallons waist instead, burying his face in his chest.

Patrick slams his locker shut, causing everyones attention to turn to him, including Pete and Dallon. Patrick hooks his bag around his shoulder, glaring at Pete before he storms down the hall before going out the school.

"Did something happen between you two?" Dallon asks, glancing at the school doors which Patrick walked out of.

"Something happened, alright. But it's over now" Pete mutters, glancing at the door.

Talk Me Down // Peterick Where stories live. Discover now