The Vampire's Kiss

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The wheel of misfortune

Has dealt you a hand

Only fate understands

Your life now reveals

A plan you don’t follow

The life you won’t lead


Your destiny once mapped out

Now torn apart by love untold

His tortured kiss leads you on

To unchartered boundaries

You’ve dared to cross

Into a darkness not spoken of 


His bite now bleeds life from you

A life once bright now faded too

As into this coldness you despair

Addicted to his soulless stare

Your heart no longer sounds the beats

Of a life once lived now dead to you


But in his ice cold kiss of love

You’re filled with passions dark delight

His teeth caress your softest skin

As to your body he enters in

This soulless love, this kiss of night

Bleeding in his arms you lie


His darkest life is never ending

From your blood he fills his need

Surrendering to his deathly charms

You give your all and so much more

He offers you the gift of life eternal

Forever damned your soul will be


In the shadow of his darkness

You linger for his deathly kiss

When he draws his teeth across

That fragile hollow of your skin

Can you begin to feel alive again

As he takes your life blood in


Feeding from you just enough

To keep you hanging just between

The gates of life and death so sweet

Immortal life just out of reach

His lust for you he’s addicted to

You were his innocence soft and new


Your virgin seal he took from you

With his first kiss you surrendered to

He unleashed in you, your dark desire

When his teeth sank into your soul

His body you crave like a deadly drug

As he enters into your secrets of love


No shining knight can rescue you

For your heart is black and dead to you

Your eyes now glazed a dreamy hue

Seeing only his need and passion for you

His desire to feed his blood filled lust

He enters your body as you know he must


His bite too painful this time you feel

Your minds in a whirl as he savagely feeds

He crashes his body deep within yours

His need for you darker than ever before

Moulds himself to you in deepest despair

He lunges into you biting down deep


His kiss filled with blood devours your lips

You know in your heart this could be the last

As he satisfies lust, his need and desire

Your body trembles as he tears apart

That virgin tenderness you have lost

This thirst he has unquenchable


Kisses your blood stained lips with haste

And see to late he’s drawn too much

His love for you was somehow true

But overpowered by desire for you

His need became just too much

Your soul now secures its release


His blood curdling cry resounds on high

As he covers the body of his virgin mate

Too deep in desire and need to see

The very life he’d given he’d taken too

Grief stricken by his act of indulgent lust

He draws the silver blade unto his death


Over her body he bleeds his last blood

Mingling with hers a deepest red black

His lips touch hers their final death kiss

Ashes to ashes and dust to dust

Their bodies no longer residing in death

The wind lifts and scatters their final remains


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