Strange Beginings

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Hi, my names Micha. I'm a chocolate colored eevee with heterochromia, it's a disease where the pigments in my eyes are different, I got it by birth,  a rare case. I'm in the LightFire "house" and it's hard, yet fun no matter which one I'm in. The others can't know my secret, but I'll tell you, I'm, as you humans say, gay. So now, come with me and we can see the beauty that is the pc.

I told ya it was beautiful

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I told ya it was beautiful. I walk through the field enjoying the peace. Which was soon interupted, as usual, by Dusk burping from a nearby stage. I sighed but kept walking, the two... leaders always did stuff like this, it's partly why I like being alone. I went to my makeshift shed, put the usual note on the outside, locked the door slidding the key under the door outside, and sat on the hay bed. The other 'vees and 'eons knew to find me here and didn't question why. We did share the pc with Bliz and Dusk. At this time I begin to wonder if I'll ever find a 'mon that will love me, to care for me, to have kits with. This thought was shatterd as I fell asleep.

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