Adopted By Demi Lovato Chapter 10

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Today I'm going to work on the set of glee I booked it whilst Mackenzie was gone but the director was kind enough to let me start whenever I felt ready and now that my Kenzie is back I'm more than ready to start.

I left my room and went into my bathroom taking a quick shower and brushing my teeth and getting ready all within half an hour I was hurrying since we had to be at the set by 10:30 and it was 9:20 already once I was done I went and got dressed into a pair of jeans and a cute floral top and some really nice shoes. After I was dressed I walk into Mackenzies room to find her fast asleep wrapped up in her blanket as it was cold last night I gently shook her to wake her up and it worked she opened her eyes "I don't want to get up momma" she said grumpily I laughed "well your gonna have to baby girl" I replied I lifted her out of her bet and set her down on her feet "look I've already unpacked everything for you so just go get dressed.

After 20 minutes Mackenzie came down wearing a cute tank top and a pair of jeans and a pair of pink uggs to match her hair bow she had 8 bracelets to cover up her scars and cuts on her left arm that was something I needed to still help her with although I wasn't going to push her because I knew from my own experience that it wouldn't help her at all.

We left for the set of glee and arrived there by 10:10 so we got to start meeting the cast we would be working with they were all so sweet and welcoming especially this beautiful woman her name was Naya and she kept looking over at me checking me out I never thought I was bi but I guess there's something about her that makes me want to be with her forever I can't wait that she's playing my girlfriend in the show.


My mom and Naya keep checking each other out so I went over to Naya and started chatting to her "Naya why do you keep looking at my mom?" I ask giggling she goes red "I kinda really like her shes so nice and beautiful" she replies "is your mom seeing anybody like love wise" she asks shyly I smile "nope not anybody you should ask her out I know she likes you" I say


Nayas so beautiful it's hard not to stare at her I've gone over my script and we kiss each other I'm so excited! Oh my she's coming over to me.


I decide to take Mackenzies advice and go and ask Demi to run lines with me because we get to kiss in one scene so that's the one I'll ask to rehearse. I go up to Demi and start talking to her "hey Demi do you wanna come run lines in my trailer Lea said she would keep an eye on Mackenzie" Demi nods "of course Naya!" She replies and we go off to my trailer...

Adopted by Demi LovatoWhere stories live. Discover now