Chapter Nine: Ryder Newman

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I was walking to school today, and it was poring down cats and dogs. I had woken up 20 minutes late and had missed the school bus; I knew I was going to be late for school, but I had Spanish first thing. So I didn't really care. With my hood over my head and my gym bag over my shoulder, I walked up the stone steps into school. The lady at the reception waved me over. Walking over there I pulled down my hood.

"How are you Miss?" I asked and smiled at her.

"Oh! Taylor hunny! I never knew it was you. Go right through." She pressed a button which opened the door for me to make my way to the Spanish class.

There's and advantage to almost everyone liking you, I just wormed my way out of a detention.  

Walking into the class, Mr Watton stopped speaking and turned his head to look at me. He was quite young, to young to be a teacher in my opinion.

"Take your seat and don't disrupt."

So, I did as I was told and sat in the back, between to guys. The one on my left was called Charlie, the one on my right was called Victor.

"Pss... Taylor?" I heard Charlie calling me.

"Yeah." He threw a piece of paper on my desk, saying 'open me.' and I did. Big mistake. I unfoled in, and what looked like was in black sharpie, I saw a figure, and angry figure behing bars, clutching them, with blood dripping from her knuckles. This cartoon was set up as a newspaper cover. As the heading it said in bold neat writing "STUDENT CRAY-CRAY FOR BLOOD!" Then underneath it said "Jocks sister imprisoned."

Out of anger I scrunched up the piece of paper and watched Charlies face sink.

"What the hell?! I was gonna put that forward for frontpage this week!" He winned.

"Look, if you have nothing better to do then this for the front page, then you have a very very sad life." I bit my tongue, trying not swearing and shout.

"Alright Taylor. Just don't try to kill me, alright?" He sat back.

I kicked the back leg of his chair, making him fall backwards onto the floor, the commotion made everyone turn around. Mr Watton called out to him.

"What happened back there?" Charlie was still dazing, so I answered for him.

"He was leaning back sir, and then he just suddenly fell." I could hear the class laughing and giggling.

"Charlie, go stand out side, that's a detention after school." Mr Watton watched Charlie get back up.

"But s-" He started.

"Just go, you've interrupted this lesson enough." I told him. He huffed and puffed until he walked outside.

Stupid idiot. But I opened up the piece of paper again, and let a tear travel down my face.


I walked into the small little room where the 4 other girl who where on the bus with me followed, this was probably for a search or something. They stood us in line, a guard searched us, when he called out the all clear we was told to strip into our underwear. We did. They chucked orange jumpsuits at us, I put mine on, it was a nice enough fit, I guess. They handed us two other jumpsuits.

"Two of these jumpsuits are for things like free play and exercise, one is for sleeping. Make sure they are always ironed and clean, otherwise you will be punished if you're caught in a bad state. Check the number on your jumpsuit and find your way to your cell when called. For now, wait in line and stay quite." Said a very bored guard, she probably said stuff like this as lot.

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