Stark's Halloween Party

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I just wanted to say thank you to all that read this! I hope you enjoy this (a little rushed) seasonal one shot!

Happy Halloween!- Casper

Confidently strolling into the living room Tony looks around smugly at his newest party invitee victims. He knows his more-than-usual arrogant nature attracted the attention of little less than half of the Avengers in the room. Feeling a faint twinge on his left shoulder he knew Natasha was glaring at him in suspicion. Feeling too confident about his hosting skills he simply brushed off her glare, which he's definitely sure she is glaring, and made himself a scotch on the rocks before speaking loudly to the bored looking group.
"Alright, everyone! I'm hosting a spectacular Halloween party next week and all of you should come. You will need costumes." Taking a sip of his drink Tony just leans against his minibar waiting for the groups reply.

Steve's facial expression turns from content to worry and curiosity before looking at Tony in confusion.
"Can't we just show up normally?" Tony smirks into his glass cup taking another sip knowing that everyone is truly considering his party and not flat out saying no like usual. Out of the corner of his eye he could see the twins fidget and whisper to each other.
"Can I wear my suit? That's a costume!" Pietro asked as he tugged on the upper part of his and his sisters suit. Wanda quickly slapped his hand away shaking her head slightly. Seeing this only made Tony stare at the two in amusement.

Setting down his drink Tony clasped his hands together behind his back grinning. "No to both of your questions. None of that, it has to be a really well made Halloween costume! It's a Stark party after all." He finished off his sentence with a wink at Bruce. Just as he was going to make a brilliant joke towards Bruce he heard Maria sigh in irritation at him.

Watching her swirl the contents of her beer bottle around he could only wait for her to speak whatever it is she wants to say. By experience Tony knew a tipsy or just a in general drinking Maria around him and his 'careful and ingenious' planning only ended in him getting hurt.
"Let me see if I get this right you expect us to find a costume, in a week, that holds up to a Stark party, any type of emergencies, and hours of standing around drinking with mostly strangers."

Shock mixed with his unwavering amusement flashed across his face right before a smug smirk appeared.
"Exactly, Hill! Nice to see all that beauty doesn't hinder those brains of yours." Tony taps his temple a few times enjoying the chance to joke with the former Commander. Natasha leans heavily onto Maria as she stares directly into his eyes. Her usual green eyes turning a few shades darker. Tony could only shuffle his feet around as he stands there uncomfortably under her glare.
"Thin line, Stark."

After lounging around for a few hours Tony finally, after drinking a little too much, takes the next step in his plan. Before inviting the group he had done a little online shopping beforehand picking out special costumes for everyone. Tony smirked before sitting up straight making a few people look to him in curiosity more specifically Bruce since they both occupied one of the couches. Of course only talking about new ways to improve everyone's choice of weaponry and in no way talking about how chemical imbalances due to high emotional levels lead to ones own views changing for the better rather rapidly. Tony shook his head slightly to regain attention towards his plan.
"Right, well, since we're already all together and drinking how about a drinking game? It's all in good fun I promise."

Bruce quickly turned towards him in confusion. He shifts a bit uncomfortably before speaking with a little undertone of concern.
"Tony, some of us can't get intoxicated. It'd be unfair to play a drinking game."
Patting Banners shoulder Tony smiled with a small shake of his head. Doing this only made Banner look more concerned.
"No worries, Bruce. The game I'm thinking about has relatively fair playing fields."

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