chapter two- the restless search

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Marshall's pov

I smiled to myself as I flipped through my phone, all these pictures of me and Bubba made me smile with tears of sadness... I miss you Bubba. Where are you?

Bubba's pov

It was so cold when I woke up. I first wondered where I was then where was Marshall. I have to admit he is charming... But he isn't a prince so I could only be friends with him anyways. But that didn't mean I don't have feelings for him anymore just cause he is peasentry. I really like him and we where to hang out today so then I wonder again where I am.

I hear a noise and shift towards it. Penguin. There is a penguin. Okay. But that wasn't the noise. There is an old man in the corner of the room. "Who are you? Where am I?" I asked as he turned around. "Oh I see you're awake. Hehehe. I'm the ice king... You are in my castle... The next question that you'll ask is why and who took you, well it was me and don't worry you're just bate." I chocked my head. "I don't want you I want a certain price whom cares about you. " he said with a giggle.

"I don't know another prince." I said calmly. "You mean to tell me you don't ang out with prince Marshall.?"

"Prince?! " I yelled, "he isn't a prince or I would have asked him to marry me by now!! " he looked at me in surprise from my yell.

"You better watch your mouth candy man. " he said in a harsh tone. I looked to the cold bars surrounding me and shivered.

I whispered hoarsely because of yelling in the cold air,  "Marshall. "

Marshall's pov

I checked the ice queen, lemon grab everyone I could think of. Where the hell is he?! I stopped in my tracks. Wait. Security cameras! I turned around and went back to the castle. Banana guards stood at the gate chewing gum lazily. "Halt!" They said noticing me. "I have a lead on the prince you idiots!" I yelled running past their spears into the castle. They sighed and went back to what they were doing. I went straight to the security room and burst in. "Hey you can't be in here! " they yelled. "I don't care! I want to find him!!" I yelled in anger. They stepped back and I searched through the files. Though it had been a week it was easy to find them. "Haza. " i said clicking on the date. I watched it in day forward my heart racing in rage and anxiety. Then I saw a man in blue clothes and a long white beard. I saw him use ice magic to carry Bubba's sleeping body out. That when I noticed his crown. He's an ice king. I would say prince but he looks too old. I flew out of the room. So to the snowy mountains I go. I went back to my house and grabbed my backpack. I put candy, water, my blood substitute, and some weapons into my backpack. Then, I took off. I breathed in the cool night air looking to the sunset. The pink hues of the sunset grazed along my pupils. The smooth looking pink sky reminded of his soft pale pink skin, the fluffy clouds tinted pink reminded me of his plush hair, and the tops of the snow covered mountains also tinted a vibrant pink color...  reminded my of his eyes, oh his eyes... He has such beautiful pink eyes that when you look at him they pull you in like you are laying in a giant bowl of gum and just sinking in, those eyes that look like the reason there is so much darkness and hatred in the world... It's because all the love and happiness is captured in his beautiful pink eyes.

"Fuck. " I mumbled to myself,  noticing that I had tears streaming down my cheeks. Getting myself together I flew even faster.

"I'm coming for you Bubba~"

I whispered into the wind going up into the mountains hopping he could somehow here me...

Gumball's pov

I sat in a ball shivering at the cold. Just to torture me ice king left the window open letting the cold harsh winds come in to embrace me.

Then, all of a sudden a gust of warm wind came in and a faint voice brushed against my ears. "I'm coming for you Bubba~" the soft wind said and then it went back to cold. I still felt the warmth of the voice. It's only after it left that I realized who it was.

"Marshall~" I whispered as the wind circled and went back outside. I felt like tears pricked at my eyes.

"Marshall... " I said weekly as I felt the knit in my throat grow more and more painful.

"Marshall! " I yelled out before bursting into tears. I know he can save me. He cares about me. I smiled to myself. "Bubba, why are you crying?" I heard the soft but deep voice call from my left. I looked up and jumped. "Marshall. " I said with a smile as he stepped inside. "Quickly we have to hurry the keys are over that and--" I herd a bang and flinched. "Damn. "

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