A new start

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A new start, A new life, A new Nightmare

*Actions look like this* 

|Thoughts look like this| 

"WAKE UP DAMIEN, OR ELSE YOU'LL BE LATE FOR YOUR FIRST DAY AT YOUR NEW SCHOOL" his mum shouted  from downstairs, all that came out of his throat in response was "urhm... hm" . . . . . "Damian listen to your mother!" Damien's ignorant father said just getting out of bed himself. "GET UP NOW OR YOUR NOT ALLOWED ON YOUR LAPTOP, EVER. AGAIN". with that he raised out of bed like a zombie he shouted "OK i'm up *yawn* i'm up"

After a record breaking time for getting ready, Damien sprinted of the door like a cheetah to his new school, in a new country, with a new family, but hey no pressure.

When he got to school no-one was in the courtyard, Damien ran fanatically to all the door's he could find but they were ALL locked . "Shit, the entrance presentation would have already started *facepalming* and I'M going to look like such an idiot for be late" Damien almost shouted " And you'll also look like such an idiot for talking to yourself " A mysterious voice said in a low, calm voice. This prick just made Damien almost have a heart attack, so he nearly ended up in a tree. Damien looked at him with his WTF face, ready to retaliate if need be but he realised that it was not a student coming to torment him, it was a incredibly good-looking, sexy ass teacher leaning against the door-frame of the door that he just tried to open.

After a few minute's of looking at him, Damien decided he didn't like him, with his dashing good looks and Mr smarty pants smug little face. "So, who are you ?" Damien questioned, but it was fairly obvious what the answer would be. "I'M your homeroom teacher, if i'm right in saying your Damien Hart, whose supposed to be in class 2-B which is MY class, Professor Hitokuchi class". He replied very cockily, crossing his arms across his chest.

As he was saying all this he walked closer as Damien's mouth fell slack, then nodded at agreeing but with his month still hung open it made Damien look really dumb.

"Good, you're late, so well done you haven't even started yet and you're already in my bad books". He stated still stalking towards Damien, then suddenly he punched the tree behind of him and Damien almost screamed, he couldn't move, he was frozen to the spot, like a dear in car headlights and the fact he was in such close proximity to him wasn't helping. "And the first one in my bad books is usually my favourite". He whispered with a smile. Damien's eyes widened turning his head to the side as a light blush bloomed on his cheeks, he couldn't help it he was so embarrassed and he smelt so nice, he smelt like rose's and chocolate, an amazing combo, the professor told Damien to look at him but Damien refused pouting slightly but he forced Damien to look anyway, into those deep blue eyes, that looked like a pools of liquid Sapphire shimmering in moonlight. And at this point Damien's brain was going into overload, he felt lightheaded and everything outside of his immediate vision was going blurry.

Suddenly Damien felt a cold pair of lips brushing over his, his lips were so cold yet he kissed him with a fiery passion as if he has been waiting his whole life time to do it, Damien melted as his knee's seemed to buckle under him. When the kiss broke Damien collapsed to the ground at the base of a beautiful pink blossom tree, He looked up at this teacher, who had violated his mouth, as the sun shone from behind him, along with his golden blonde hair he looked like an angel. Until he spoke. He had this deep, beautiful voice saying "If you stay down there you'll miss first period and you'll get your clothes all dirty".  Damien frowned as if it was his fault he was on the ground, he wobbly got back to his feet, leaning against the tree for support all Damien said was "Fuck you" the proceeded to angrily storm off into school, Damien could have sworn he saw him lick his lips.

A new start, A new life, A new NightmareWhere stories live. Discover now