Part 5

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From what Damien could guess he'd only been asleep for a few hours but he wasn't sure, he felt so tired but he just couldn't sleep anymore, he was thinking too much, questions and theories floating around his mind, he made himself dizzy trying to figure out why Shuro wanted him so badly. At first he thought jealousy, wanting something his brother had but, the professor, no Adrian didn't really HAVE him to begin with. Damien had so many idea's he couldn't think straight, He needed some fresh, cool air. The air in here was so stuffy and moist; It felt heavy on his chest, he couldn't breath.

Damien decided to try and get out, despite what Shuro told him. He clambered out of the bed and tried the door, thankfully this time it was open. The room was at the end of a very long dimly lit hallway, Blank grey metal walls; very contrasting to the room he just left. Slowly Damien closed the door with a small click; He tried to be as quite as could, but each step was louder then the last, echoing down the hall and back again. He started looking at the walls and noticed they weren't blank at all, they had these very sadistic writings sprawled all over them; sometimes carved or wrote in a sticky dark red substance Damien prayed it wasn't blood but it was highly likely it was, some parts were still wet and dripping down the walls. He stopped a few times examining these strange writings and pictures; till one in particular caught his attention Damien saw something he recognised but had not seen in year's, his old family coat of arms, his family emblem carved in to the wall with 3 crudely drawn figures underneath, 2 of them seemed to be crossed out with yet more blood that seemed to have been there for a long time as it was brown and was flaking off. Damien's heart began to race with a mixture of anger, sadness and fear, Shaking from the adrenaline, Till one thought shook his entire being |What if i was meant to die that day with my parents? *stares deeply in to the craving* and they brought me here to finish me off *resting hand gently on forehead* | "No that can't be right, it happened over ten year's ago, why would... ah my brain hurts i'm so confused"

Damien heard a clink of a door from the direction he just came from, He didn't have time to think, Damien just ran, he didn't know where to but he still ran; out of the corner of his eye he spotted a staircase of to his left and ran straight for them at full speed and bounded down 2,3 steps at a time. Got to the bottom within no time at all, it seemed like he'd had gone down at least 10 floors maybe even more. Damien saw a small crevice under the last stairwell and hid in it before he was seen, to try to catch his breath, He felt so weak. Damian waited till he knew it was safe to leave and in this place that would be a while. Many vampires had walked past, he could tell they were vampires because of the way they spoke about their 'meals', their unlucky victims and lucky for him they were too concentrated on that or they would have been able to smell him, smelly, sweaty, weak Damian. He couldn't tell how long it had been since he'd escaped that stuffy room but he still felt sick and light-headed; He creeped for the door to the stairwell and peeked out, the bright sunlight hit his eyes with great force. It took a few moments for them to adjust, what he saw made him gasp.

A beautiful reception and lobby area, the floors where white polished marble with thin silvery veins running through them; Pure white roman style pillars equally scattered about with Crystal chandeliers hanging from the high ceiling. Silver, gold and white covered everything, it looked like a 5 star hotel, a whole world away from what dwells upstairs. Then he noticed no-one was around he took his chance and slowly walked out still quite nervous. He guessed that the front door would be locked, he tried them and he was right, Damien automatically went behind the reception desk to look for the key, he found it more or less straight away, opened the door and left. Damian instantly recognised the area he was in so headed off to the left to downtown Tokyo, "That was WAY too easy" he said to himself slightly glancing back at the skyscraper he just escaped from, a huge, ugly and menacing building that was looming over him as he hurried off towards where he knew Micheal worked part-time in-between his theatre gigs.

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