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The next day I woke up with a feeling of hope in the cells of my body. I was tired of torturing myself with something that would lead me nowhere. I never really gathered courage around the idea of moving on but last night I did. I have my whole life ahead of me and I cannot waste even a single second of it for doing something that brings me pain and sadness.

I decided that I would be looking forward to read great books, enjoy the break before continuing further studies and forget about Jason and Miley.

Just like everyday, I was seated in my favorite spot of the library. Wuthering Heights in my hand and a stranger right in front of me. He looked peaceful as ever with an old classic novel of Thomas Hardy in his hand. His eyes were focused on the book so deeply that he didn't even notice my stare on him. I would be lying if I say that I did not enjoy sitting with him. I liked the silence between us which was peaceful and nice.

He stood up again and like always, he was the first one to leave as he was already there everytime I enter the library. He looked at me and gave me a sly smile,

"I never got your name," he said and crossed his arms with the book in his hand.

"Selena," I told him and he nodded.

"Nice to meet you, Selena. I am Niall." Niall replied. The word Niall sounded so strange and new in my thoughts.

"Niall, that's a name you don't hear everyday." I told him honestly even though I might sound stupid to him.

"That's because I'm Irish," he replied and winked at me before turning around and walking out of the library.
A smile crept on my face as I saw the charming boy leaving the place. I never really understood his reply and the connection of his name with him being Irish.

A week followed and I was starting feeling normal again. I was not hopeless or crying everytime I thought about Jason. I asked Jason about the location of the party and the things he wanted me to do for him. I always let Jason use me as I could never say no to him. It was like an instantaneous reaction of mine to agree to whatever he had to say. I was trying to let go of this awful habit but they take time, and I was giving myself enough of it. I bought his girlfriend a nice necklace with some free spa coupons. I was looking forward to the party more than anyone else.

My changed behaviour was led by Niall. The sweet, charming guy from the library. He was the reason I was feeling better these days. I liked his company, it was like a peaceful escape from the world. We had no connection other than the fact that we shared the same table in a public library. The feeling of opening up to yourself in front of stranger can be helpful at times. He never judged me, listened to me dearly and even though he could get a little cocky, he understand me better than I could understand myself.

Our routine would start from seeing each other in the library and then we go for a coffee each day after reading the book in the library. Miss Johnson used to lend me some time for going out with Niall and she never missed to tease me about him whenever she got a chance.

One week has passed and only two days were left for Miley's birthday. I was seated peacefully in a small cafe with several type of people chattering around the place. A cup of latte in my hand and a piece of chocolate cake beside it, I was feeling exotic like everyday whenever I was in the coffer shop. My lips were formed in a smile which showed my perfect dentition as Niall was sharing the story of his childhood when he got locked in a public bathroom. The way he was elaborating the story with his little gestures made me smile even harder. Niall was bringing me back to life and he knew it very well. 

"What's going on in your mind?" He asked me as he noticed my silence.

I pushed my right hand forward and placed it on his left hand,
"I'm so grateful to have you," I told him honestly. I did not know much about him but I felt like I'd known him for years.

"Feelings are mutual babe," he said and winked at me after wiping the coffee remains off his upper lip.
"I want you to come with me to the party," I said and I noticed the change of his expression. Niall knew about it all. From my teenage love for Jason to his new girlfriend.

"I'd love to join you but I wouldn't." He replied and my shoulders snuggled down.

"Why not?" I asked him, my eyes pleading him to change his mind.

"You can do it without me," he spoke and smiled brightly.

"I can face him, I swear. I just want to have some fun time with you." My voice dripped desperation.

"Fun time? I see." He gave me a wink and I smacked his arm in return.



"Pretty Please?"


"C'mon! You little Irish punk,"

"Seriously? No."

"Fine," I gave up. It only means that I have to attend a party by seeing my only love with someone else and a lot of drunk teenagers. Just great!

AN- If you're still here then you deserve a lot of cookies and your crush's attention. ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2016 ⏰

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