info + requirements

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Hello everyone!

The form will be in the next chapter but please DO NOT SKIP THE REST OF THIS CHAPTER.

Before you go to the next chapter please make sure you reach the requirements.

Requirement #1: You must have a kik.

Kik is just an easier way for me to contact you and vice versa. I'm admining on more than one account so PMing me isn't always ideal. I'm always logged in on my kik so I will, most likely, always answer (unless i'm in school of course)

Requirement #2: You must be active.

If you are not planning to be active, then please don't waste either of our times. I want this account to be a success and it can't do that if you lie and say you're going to be active when you clearly won't.

Requirement #3: This is more of what you can't be, please make sure you aren't an admin on 5 other accounts already.

If you admin on 5 other accounts, the chances of this small one slipping your mind will be high. Again, don't waste our times. If your plate is already full, then why add more food to it?

Requirement #4: You have to be chill.

There has be a lot of drama going on on Wattpad recently. Now I don't like drama, it gives me bad anxiety so if you are going to be an admin please make sure you aren't going to be starting drama. I get it if someone says something bad and you get triggered, please please just ignore it or go on your own account and deal with it. Please just keep drama away from this account.

Requirement #5: Password.

Please put the password at the end of your form in the next chapter in the EXTRA part, please do not put the word "password" in your form at all, if you do I will delete your comment. By putting the password I will know you read the requirements and it will partly help improve your chances of being an admin.

Password: Name your favorite killer from a MOVIE.

That's all I can think of for now. The form is in the next chapter. Good luck!

「psychopath」ADMIN FORMWhere stories live. Discover now