Going forwards

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Killian sighed after quickly zipping up his black jeans and buttoning up his black shirt. He put his belt on and every so often looked up at Emma putting her clothes on and brushing her hair while fixing up makeup which she never really wore, Killian couldn't help but stare, she didn't need the makeup, she was gorgeous no matter what. Emma wore a red jumper, black jeans, black boots and a gold and silver plated watch.

Killian grabbed his leather jacket. He tried to now go for the modern Killian look like before. It suited him. Emma though he looked very....dashing and thought his ass liked good in the jeans, thankfully she never got caught staring.

Killian walked up to Emma as she was at the dresser, putting on her watch, smirking. "Well it was good while it lasted Swan" Killian said to her, whispering in her ear then kissing her neck. Emma giggled. "Well...," Emma breathed, then smiled again, the grin wouldn't leave her face as her cheeks were blushed red at the sight of Killian and him touching her. "...at least it wasn't anyone else, but you watch out my tall, dark and handsome pirate, Dav-Dad isn't gonna be on your good side after what he saw." Killian raised his eyebrow "Well, anyway love, you were...amazing" he said while clenching his jaw, quickly checking out Emma and then rapped his arms around her waist. Emma's lips parted, while breathing heavily.

"We can finish this-" Killian paused to kiss her on her cheek "-another time..." He raised his eyebrows and gripped tighter on Emma's waist. They were about to kiss but-

"Emma, sweetie, where's the cups and plates, oh and Neil's baby blanket...oh..." Killian but his lip, so did Emma and looked away. Damn everyone interrupts at the wrong time.

"Never mind." Mary-Margret quietly said, the house was getting packed by the sound of it.

"Welcome to the family!" Emma laughed while Killian laughed and looked straight into Emma's eyes.

"Well, one day we will have the whole day together with no babysitting baby brother jobs, fighting evil beings an-" Killian cut Emma off while he pressed his lips on hers.

Killian's P.O.V

I pressed harder on her lips and gripped on her waist. I've waited long enough. I slid my tongue on her bottom lip, as she parted her mouth letting me in, letting me break down her walls. I kissed her passionately and knew I couldn't go all the way. But with Emma I can't help myself.

We broke the kiss and we both leaned against each other, breathing heavily. Emma smiled and I raised my eyebrow.

I know I haven't been the best man I could be. I've done things I would never want to tell Emma. I've been in love and I thought she was the one.

I've lived through the ages and set my eyes on forests of large oak trees and blue skies, Emma's eyes were more beautiful. I've traveled to far off lands following stars; going to the second star on the right, and straight onto morning, but Emma's smile is the brightest. I've fought monsters and the worst kinds of people but the hardest things I've had to do was to tell Emma I love her and know that she will love me back.

Because I know that love isn't easy but I believe in Emma as she believes in me- she gives me hope to redeem myself and to be the hero I could be for her.


Emma bit her lip "I'll be downstairs, it's getting pretty hect-"

"Yeah Swan, can't keep them waiting or they'll suspect something."

"Yeah well after what my dad just saw I don't think we should risk it" She laughed. "Until then."

Killian straightened out his jacket and Emma pulled down her jumper. Emma's smiled, turned on her heel and walked out of the bedroom. She headed downstairs for the party.

Killian looked up "Aye, Swan. Until then..." he whispered to himself before kneeling down onto the floor by the bed pulling out a bag, checking on a small, ancient looking blue velvet box. He put it back with hope in his eyes and zipped the bag back up, now smiling to himself. And walked down to Emma and his house warming party.

The first step in their journey into their future had just begun.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2016 ⏰

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