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Meet Alayne and Mia Brown. Completely identical on the outside, absolute opposites on the inside.

Alayne's the good girl. The one that's polite, shy, quiet, reserved and smart. She's the top of the grade and a total teacher's pet. She's the one with all the answers, academically and regarding life. Her wardrobe consists of jeans, t-shirts and hoodies. She doesn't have any friends that she's close to since she's the sort of girl that no one really notices. She's also the only one in the school to wear a promise ring.

Mia's the bad girl. She's loud, popular, reckless but she's in danger of failing all her classes. Her afternoon's are spent either in detention or at home grounded. Her nights are spent sneaking out to meet her boyfriend Matt. She's always the centre of attention. Oh, and rumour has it that she's slept with her fair share of guys.

So what happens when Alayne's tired of blending into the background and gets Mia to help change her? As if one bad twin wasn't enough. Now it's double the trouble, but also double the fun. (After all, isn't being bad a lot more fun than being good?) But then Alayne's starts to feel something for Matt... something she shouldn't be feeling.

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