A Thornless Rose

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I hated feeling left out at school.  It's the worst feeling.  You are walking through the undercover walkways with people staring at you, smirking at you with their friends or people whispering and then giggling and looking in my your direction.  It has been two months since the night that Harrison Smith had raped me and I don't think I am ever going to live it down.  

I was just having a great night out with friends, and then you get the group of popular guys from your school mixed with a bottle of rum & vodka and you get a recipe for disaster.  It was a dark and horrible walk back to my car and the street lights were dimming and eventually one went out and all I could see was the one light shining in the direction of my car.

As I approached the car I saw Harrison leaning on my car with this cheesy grin on his face.  "What's doin, sweets?"  I could just smell the alcohol on his breath as he moved in close to me and grabbed a hold of my jacket.  I tried to move away and he grabbed the pocket of my pants even tighter.  I tried to break free but his grip was too strong.  "What's wrong, hehe, don't you want this babe, I know you do."  whispering into my ear as he tried to pull me close.  "What do you want?!"  struggling to break free from his hand.

"I'm just here to have a good time, babe, don't ... ruin ... it ... foooor me!"   With his smile disappearing he pushed me against the car and tried to move his hand hurridly up my shirt.  I broke free and starting running.  I didn't know where I was going but anywhere was safer away from Harrison.  He was a lot quicker than me and he tackled me to the ground.  "Get away from me!"

Tears were streaming down my face as I tried to push him away but he was overpowering the smell of his breath was making me want to faint.  After resisting his behaviour for too long, I gave all my might and tried to push him away once more.  The next ten seconds were a blur as I saw his fist flying through the air, and I blacked out.

So I still have to finish the rest of this chapter, but let me know what you guys think so far...

Feedback & constructive criticism would be great! (:

Thanks guys, much appreciated!

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