On Our Way To Dublin

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"Yeah... MARK'S JEALOUS!!!!"

"MATT! Shut up! He's gonna come back an- too late."

Mark walked in and told Matt to go outside. I followed them quietly so they wouldnt notice me. Mark closed the door behind him. I peeked through the window to see what was happening. It was a little dark so it was hard to see. But what I could make out was Mark raising a fist... I raced out the door to see Matt getting the crao beaten out of him by Mark!

"MARK!!! STOP IT!!" I grabbed his other arm and his fist swung and hit me right it the cheekbone. "MARK!!! YOU HIT ME!! YOU ARE OUT OF CONTROL!!!" I screamed at him.

He calmed down and lowered his fist, released Matt's colar and fell to his knees. Matt adjusted his shirt and walked over to stand next to me. He stepped back a little. Mark was observing his bloody fist and Matt's black eye and bleeding lip. He was gasping for breath from shock. He must have lost it from Matt's teasing and the shock of his crush liking his best friend.

"Mark...?" Matt began, "Why did you do that?" I felt so dizzy. "Oh my god! You're losing a lot of blood! Sam, stay awake!" Matt grabbed my arm and observed my eye and shattered cheekbone.

"Oh my god! Sam I'm SO SORRY!" Mark said.

"Well, I do know one thing." I said.

"What?" Mark asked, as I lay on the ground staring up at them.

"Mark punches friekin hard!" I joked.

They managed to let out a little laugh and he next thing I know is that I've blacked out.

*alarm beeps*

"C'mon Sam! Get up!" Matt whisper-shouted.

"Lets go!" Mark added.

They pull me up from a bed and take an IV out of my left arm. "Go change." Mark said handing me a pair of jeans, a navy blue tank and a leather jacket. "Go!" I swiftly get into the moment and change in the bathroom. I saw my face in the mirror and the patch over my eye. I see a stitch patch carefully laid upon my cheekbone. I put on my shades and exit the bathroom. Mark grabs my wrist and pulls me along through the hospital corridor.

"Mark, where are we going? What time is it? Matt, Mark, I want some answers." I whispered.

"Shh! We asked the doctors if we could leave with you now, and they said it was okay. Its 10:30 of two days after the call so we gotta go. I mean, if you want to save Jack." Matt said.

I thought about the sarcasm he put into that, if he meant it, and suddenly popped back into reality when I heard a car door shut next to me. I see that Mark put me in the backseat and we were on our way to Dublin.

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