The Angel and the Case

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What up kiddos?? Okay, so Im really excited for this one. This story is part of my "Supernatural Episode Wishlist" collection. Im sure everyone has thought about Human!Impala, so I hope to do it justice in this story.
*Takes place in about season 10 but Dean doesn't have the Mark and quite a few characters may be alive still ;)*
*Any art included is not my own please contact if original artist wants credit*

Dean Winchester sat in the Men of Letters bunker, glaring at the clock with disgust.

"Umm...." Sam began, walking in. " You know you can't set the clock on fire right? Whats up man? You've been weird lately."

Dean leaned back in his chair and srubbed a hand down over his mouth and jaw. When was he not acting strange, he thought.

It was always one thing or the other with him. Always a reason to be upset. Always something to protect Sammy from.

But at the moment it wasnt some catastrophic apocalyptic phenomenon that was eating away at him. No, at the moment he was simply missing a certain blue eyed angel who had left the bunker a few nights ago.

That wasn't new. But Cas didn't even bother to say goodbye. And the trio had basically established that Cas lived with them now, so why would he just fly away and fuck it all up?

GAH! He was so fustrating. Didn't he understand that Dean was responsible for him?

Didn't he know you can't just randomly walk out on family?

"Nothing Sammy. I'm fine. Just tired." Dean replied. He stood up and brought the plate he was eating off over to the counter.

"Well, okay, I found a hunt for us." Sam pulled out his laptop and took a seat "So get this."

Dean put a hand on the back of his chair and strained his eyes to see the screen.

"Just a couple towns over something that sounds like our kinda thing happened. Reports of people hearing strange, disturbing voices as they are going about their daily lives. Then once the vic hears the voice they show up two days later dead. Ears bleeding."

Dean thought all this information over. "Yeah, could be our kinda thing," honestly he didnt know if this was a case. But, he wasnt in a position to be picky. He just wanted a distraction from all the things he was thinking about.

Just as he turned to go get properly dressed and head out, the sound of wings came from behind him.

"Hello Dean."


Dean stumbled back a few steps, tripping over his own slippers. "Cas! You cant just sneak up on me like that!" Dean aggressively tied his robe up as if to exaggerate his point.

He fought the urge to hug the angel. Instead he just settled for looking pissed off.

"My apologies." Cas said sincerely.

"Cas! Where've you been?" Sam asked. He closed his laptop and came over to clasp Cas friendly on the shoulder.

"I've been... trying to sort a few things out." Cas' blue eyes looked around the bunker, as if he were checking for intruders. 

"What kind of things?" Dean tried to sound barely interested.

"I need your help, actually."

Sam perked up at this. "Yeah! Sure of course."

"Strange things have been happening to me," Cas admitted. "It started just before I left the bunker." He sighed.

"Again, dude, elaborate on 'things'." Dean

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