Damn It Cas

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The day was filled with a lot of witness interviews and research. By the time the trio had actually checked into a motel Dean had already untied his tie and taken off his suit jacket. He couldn't stand being in those things for too long.

They walked into the motel room and instantly turned on the air conditioner.  "Finally," Dean sighed, flopping onto one of the dingy beds.

Sam eyed the small kitchenette area in the corner. He pulled over the wooden table and sat down with their bags of fast food. "Heads up," he called as he pulled out Dean's boxed pie and tossed it to him.

"Yes baby!" Dean said in hunger.

Sam scoffed. "You want a minute alone with that?"

Dean threw a wrapper at his younger brothers face. "Shut it."

Cas stood silently near the doorway. Dean wasn't sure why, but the hesitation he noticed earlier was back.

The angel looked as if he was trying his best to remain silent and out of the way.

"This town sure is messed up," Dean mumbled around a mouthful of pie, "but at least the pie holds up."

"You think pie 'holds up' anywhere," Sam laughed. "Hey Cas why dont ya sit down."

Castiel begrudgingly sat down in the room's lone chair. He stared down at his lap, fiddling with the collar of his trench coat.

Dean couldn't take the pure discomfort written on his face.

"Okay, okay, I'm gonna take a nap," Dean exclaimed. Castiel looked up in interest. He seemed startled yet... pleased?

Sam gave Dean a weird look. "I guess I'll catch my four hours now, then, too."

Cas looked even more happy with this announcement. "And I will watch over you," he said. The familiar claim comforted Dean. The words settled in his chest as he pulled the bed's comforter up to his chin. See. He thought, Cas is fine. Nothings changed.

Cas walked over to the curtains and drew them closed for the boys before returning to his place by Dean's bed.

No one could hear the small phrase Cas whispered into the darkened motel room as the hunters fall asleep.

"Sweet dreams, Dean."


The room was pitch black when Dean's eyes finally flitted open again. He stared up at the ceiling. It took a moment for him to process where he was, but the rough bed springs beneath him reminded him that he was not in the bunker.

He sat up with a groan and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He looked to his side and saw a lump lying on the second bed. "Sam?" He asked gently.

The desk top clock displayed the time in faint green markings. " 12:27?!" Dean quickly got out of bed and stumbled to the window. When he pulled back the curtains he saw the inky black of night. "Shit!"

"Sam wake up!" Sam flailed his arm to swat the noise away.

"Five more minutes."

"No, Sam," Dean said urgently. "Cas is gone," he shoved his foot into his shoe, " weren't we gonna summon that creature tonight?"

Sam woke up with a bit more urgency. He could sense the stress coming from his older brother and naturally started to feel panicked to. "Uh how long as he been out?"

"No clue I just woke up."

"He'd just wake us up if he planned on performing the summoning. He's probably just," Sam yoaned. "Probably just doing something upstairs. All his heavenly business."

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