Chapter 1

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 The world had simmered to a standstill. The pearly milk coloured moon lay frozen in the sky as if it were stopping to look at the light it reflected. The wide door frames of the Palace entrance hall lay open, filling the room with white, shimmering light. Her eyes became refocused and her thin legs shook whilst they swung up and down. The cold marble floor was deadly to the touch, especially on her bare feet. Impatience. The slight flutter of a few servants gently buzzing around, busy preparing an assortment of fruits from the orchard distracted her from reality. The air filled with the scent of summer, the smokiness of the freshly pressed grapes being transported down into the kitchens, ready to be turned into the finest wine for the Emperor's large collection. The aromas melted through her nose whilst simultaneously bringing her back to the present.

She allowed herself to become fully immersed in her Tutor Thea's words of wisdom, for if she was to be Empress she would need a world of knowledge to be stored away in her memory.

"And so, the majesty of our Sun God allowed the people of Sillity to rise amongst the ashes of their predecessors and vanquish the turmoil of life as they knew it."

The history of the Empire Sillity, was a tale that would be forever imprinted in Athena's mind, especially after the numerous encounters with her Father's many friends. You are a gift from the God's. A blessing.

"The sands and mountains grew whilst our ancestors rebuilt the Empire. Attics was the first leader to guide the people of Sillity to a thriving and exquisite new world. Then there was Regulas who lead the war against the Peccatori."

The Peccatori were the only threat to the civilization. Thieves, murderers, the sick and the lame. They lived in the outskirts of Sillity. Athena had only visited once and the people had seemed relatively content despite their incarceration. They had their own houses and markets, fields for crops to grow and even a school for the children. It was slightly alarming since so many villagers lived amongst the perimeter of the Peccatori prison. It was a frightening epidemic of the worst people Sillity had produced. But she was proud of her father's actions in keeping every civilian safe and healthy, no matter their sins.

"The war raged for 20 days and 20 nights, half the population were dead and the fields that once lay the many crops of our seeds were burnt to ash. Regulas made the greatest sacrifice of all. He gave his life for the people so that we may be reborn. His apprentice, Leonardo took his place as the new Emperor of Sillity and the remaining Peccatori were sent to a better life."

Leonardo the great. Athena's father. Leonardo Axe was the Emperor of Sillity, the 4th largest Empire in the Universe. Her mother Patricia Axe was also somewhat of an idol in the Empire. Despite their kind appearance, they were powerful, ruthless and knew exactly what people wanted to hear.

"They rebuilt once more and Leonardo claimed a wife, Patricia. They had 5 years together ruling the Empire when the God's blessed them with a beautiful child. It was the year 67 and the child was sent to the highest mountain to be brought to her new family. And that girl of course is you Athena."

Thea smiled sweetly whilst Athena controlled the urge to show a bored face. The story was getting to her least favourite part. The day she was sent from the God's.

Athena was only 5 years of age when she fell from the sky. Her memory of the day was mostly lost but the sounds and smells remained somewhat vivid. Loud voices calling many foreign names, metal surrounding a very small space. She was wearing a white robe, covered in beautifully crafted stars. Sometimes her dreams crafted the vision of the robe upon her once more as she sat to her throne as the ruler of Sillity.

"It took almost 4 nights to bring you back to us, we had sent out the finest travelers that Sillity had to offer and only half came back. It was a wonder you had survived yourself. But of course, it was what the God's had planned." Thea started to finish her tale when suddenly Athena's mother barge through the front doors of the entrance hall with a fearsome look upon her face.

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