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TLC 2016

After Alexa's win over Becky lynch for the title


Alexa : I've won it from the looney Becky herself now I can finally relax

As Alexa was about to relax there's a knock on her private locker room

Alexa :  who can it be ?

As Alexa opens the door and sees it's no other than john Cena himself

Alexa : oh hey john why are you here ?

John : I just came by to congratulate you on your title win and I think someone as cute like you deserve

Alexa : aww thanks john I really appreciate that 

John : can I come in ?

Alexa : yea sure

John comes in

John : so how do you feel right ?

Alexa : I feel kinda shitty from those punches and slams from looney lynch

John : I feel you I've been in worse situations like you have

Alexa : damn I guess we both know how it feels

John : right well I wanted to ask you if you wanted to grab a couple of drinks after the show ? I'll pay since you're the newly champ

Alexa : sure that would be nice and thanks too by the way

John : no problem well got to get going I'll see you around after the show

Alexa : yea see ya

John leaves

Alexa : damn john is so hot

2 hours later

10:35 pm

Gallagher Bar

John : first off I wanted to say that I've been a big supporter of you since you've debuted at NXT and now you're the Smackdown Live Women's Champion I'm just actually impressed

Alexa : Thanks John well same here I've been a big supporter of yours as well so yeah

So John and Alexa had talked about various things for an hour and half until both of them got tired of talking

1 1/2 hour later

John : well I guess we should be going

Alexa : same here

10 mins later

Hotel Westin

Alexa : thanks John it was really fun spending time with you hopefully we can do something like this again soon

John : same here Alexa well I have to go now

Alexa : one more thing john

Alexa gives a kiss on John's cheek and a wink towards him

Alexa : bye

John : bye

John exits the hotel

John : I think she likes me

A start of a new friendship for both John and Alexa but could it turn into something more than that ?

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