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July 4th

Alexa's ultrasound

Doctor: Well ready to find out if it's a boy or girl ?

Alexa : yes doc !!!

Alexa with John by her side

5 mins later

Alexa : well doc is it a girl or boy ?

Doc : well it's a girl

With both faces of happiness in Alexa & John

John : well we got a name for our baby girl

Alexa : yeah we do

Doc : so what the name will be ?

Alexa : well we'll name her Alexandria

Doc : nice name

John : that's a great name babe and hey doc do you know when the baby will come ?

Doc : well maybe about 21 to 36 weeks in short 4 to 9 months but my estimated month would be November

Alexa : ok will be ready

So months passed by and once November came around the corner

November 4th

2:33 am

Alexa : shit john I think the kid is ready to pop out

John : serious ?? Well let's go then

So John helped Alexa get into the car

Alexa : come on john hurry

John : alright

John gets on the car and turns it on and drives fast

15 minutes later

St.Mary's hospital

John : I need a nurse now

A Nurse comes rushing in

Nurse : okay I need a doc & a another nurse now

A Doc & many other nurse come

Nurse : we have a patient that's on labor and we'll need to take her to available triage room

So all of them rush to the nearest triage room

Nurse : sir , you need to stay here until we are done

John : okay fine

John stays in the lobby then Alexa's parents come

Alexa's dad : hey will our baby girl be okay ?

Alexa's mom asks the same question

Alexa's mom : will our baby girl be okay ?

John : yes she's okay doctors and nurses are checking to make sure if she's okay before they deliver the baby

A sign of relief from Alexa's mom and dad

John : we'll probably have to wait for an hour or more depends on how long it takes

So both John & Alexa's parents wait in the lobby , hoping everything goes okay and will the delivering of the baby be successful ?

john cena & alexa bliss Where stories live. Discover now