Rant #1

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I am a proud owner of an IPhone 3GS and I'm upset because my mom tried to take the sim card out and the screw for the sim card port-tray thingy fell into the phone and my mom doesn't want to take the risk of opening the phone and possibly breaking it. Great. Just perfect.

And to make it worse, my sister apparently doesn't know what earbuds are because she is playing her music from the speaker on her phone and (in my opinion) she doesn't have the greatest taste in music and I want to strangle her (figuratively of course). 

On top of that, she has the audacity to make me get my lab report that she wants to use to complete her lab report that is due tomorrow that she has had since last week to do. I finished mine today during choir because we had a free day, even then, I had already completed the first one last weekend and on the second lab report I just had to write the conclusion. Stupid cheating twin, (but I still love you).

On top of all that, I had a choir concert yesterday, it went terrible. I was mortified on our first song, the first song had some body percussion and everyone was rushing. At one point in the song, approx. a quarter of the way through, some of the soprano 1's (unfortunately, myself included) mixed up some of the lyrics, the notes were the same but the words were different so it was like one part of the song was over laid with the other. I had asked my mom to film it and when I watched the video you couldn't really tell but I don't think my choir directors will be pleased. Our second song went significantly better than the first and sounded beautiful. A friend of one of my directors came and played violin along with the pianist as accompaniment and it was magnificent. Now all I have to do it wait.

 See you all soon. If you have any troubles, I'm here to listen!

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