Part 8

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Sean's POV.

The conversation ended quickly. I shut off my phone and rest my head on my pillow. I plug my phone in and try to get some sleep.

Second night with out Arizona.

When I wake up it was 11. I was surprised none of the boys had come to wake me yet. I get up and go to the bathroom to take a shower. When I get out I change into some black skinny jeans and a grey shirt.

When I walk out of the bathroom the boys had come into my room and were scattered about.

"Well hello." I say to them. They all giggle and stand up.

"We have a M&G at 3, so we have to leave like now." Liam says. I walk over to the night stand and grab my phone then we were off.

At the meet and greet I meet a load of super nice people. All the fans are so sweet about everything.

Arizona's POV

I've been having a blast with Jake these past four days. But i can't stop thinking about tonight. I'm finally seeing Sean again. I don't know what to think. I know i have had five days to think it though but i still don't know. Its about 1PM When I finally go to get ready. I take a quick shower then change into a white crop top and patterned flow shorts.

 I take a quick shower then change into a white crop top and patterned flow shorts

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I loosely curl my hair I was just about to start my make up when Jake walks in.

"wow, I can actually see you do you make up in person, rather than over face time." I laugh at his comment.

"What time is the show?" He asks.

"Doors open at 5." I say. He looks at me.

"I hope you know you are coming with me." I say. He smiles.

"Of course." He says. I finish up my make up and it was now about 3.

"How about an early dinner then we head to the show?" Jake says.

"Sure!" I say. Jake takes me to his favorite restaurant, ed debevics.

We order our food and Jake gets quiet.

"Whats up?" I ask. He looks up at me.

"Tonight," he starts.

"I really want you and Sean to work out." He says. I smile at him.

"I think you should tell him everything." He says. My smile quickly fades.

"Ja-" He cuts me off.

"Mim, i think he should know." He says.

"He deserves to know about everything." He says.

"But what if he wants to help. What if he wants to get involved." I ask.

"Then let him." He says. Out food comes and i go quiet just thinking about how im going to tell Sean everything.

We finish eating and head over to the arena. I start to feel shaky and a little big nervous. When i get there the fans know me right away. A few even come ask ask for pictures. While standing in line waiting a brunette girl, who look about 13 approaches me.

"Excuse me, Arizona?" She says. I smile.

"Yea?" She smile back. She pauses for a moment.

"I-I'm Cassie." She says. I remember her right away. She was the girl who left the really nice comment.

"I was the girl-" She stumbles

"Who left that really sweet comment. I remember you. Thank you for that, by the way." I say. She smile.

"This is Jake, hes like my best friend." I introduce Jake to her. The shake hands and say hello.

"Why arent you back sage with the boys?" She asks.

"Oh, i though i would watch it from out here tonight." I say. She smiles and the conversation falls dead.

"Hey, whats your twitter? I want to follow you." I say, taking out my phone. I open up the twitter app and hand it to her she types in her username and hands my phone back. I press follow and her face lights up.

"Thank you!" She says.

"Yea, of course." I say. I give her a hug and she goes back to line with her friends. Soon enough the doors open and we all flood in. We get a seat kinda in the back of the room.

Seans POV

I didnt know if she would even come tonight but all i knew was that i was seeing her today. Thats all i cared about. After sound check i check my phone to see if i had any text messages from her. None. The concert starts soon enough and we all go on stage. After the third song or so Liam nods me over to look at a girl in the front row. I look at her and she motions me over. I bend down and she tries to whisper into my ear but she ended up yelling because it was so loud.

"Arizona is here." Is all i could make out. A smile goes straight on to my face. I couldn't see er because if the lights and everyone but just knowing she was here made me happy.

I tell all the boys to change te next song to something else and i go over to the mic.

"Alright, we are going to bring it down a little now." I say. Liam start to play the opening to 'Hold On' by Shawn Mendes.

"This song, has a little hidden meaning for someone here, and uh, I hope they enjoy, Hold On by Shawn Mendes." I finish and see everyone's head shirt to the middle of the arena. I see an out line of a figure who must be Ari. I smile and start singing. Everyone gets quiet while i sing the chorus.

"I dont know what, your going i through, but there so much life, ahead of you."

Arizona's Pov

I know the songs about me. I know its for me. But i cant help but remember what he said. I start to get terri eyed and Jake looks at me. He smiles and goes back to looking at Sean. He knows too.

When Sean finishes singing everything fall silent. I could stand being in there with all the girls eyes on me. I start to shuffle out if the venue when Sean speaks.

"Arizona," He start. I keep walking.

"Arizona, please." He says. I pause and look up. He shields his eyes from the lights. His eyes widen when he spots me.

I stop walking and he just looks at me. Everyones eyes are now on me. Liam pats Seans back and he backs up I stand in that spot for the rest of the show and when the show ends Jake and I were the first ones out. We wait out side for it to clear. A few fans stay as well. Finally the boys come out. Liam was first. He sees me and smiles. He walks over and gives me a small hug then goes to greet a few fans. Next was Charlie, then Trevor, then Gabe. Sean was last. I saw him sep out of the door way. He looks around a little then spots me. I smile and he runs up to me. I open my arms and he embraces me with a big hug. He lifts me up a little so my feet are barley touching the ground. He lets me down and we look at each other. He smiles then i smile back.

"I want to explain things" I tell him. He nods and says hello to a few fans. After wards him and the boys find Jake and I. We stand up from the bench. I go over to Sean and wrap my arms around his neck.

Hold On - Sean Killeen Fan-FictionWhere stories live. Discover now