::No BullShit::

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Chris Pov.

Another morning in New York waking up to my beautiful girlfriend snuggled up beside me with Faith snuggled up and holding on tight to Bloss hand.In a hour or so we about to hop back on my jet and go back to L.A.Bloss isn't doing the princess of the night function anymore because I shut that down when I found out Trey was going to be the prince.But now I'm about to run down to the café and get a vanilla Latte.I slid from under Faith and Blossom throwing my hoodie and slippers on.I grabbed the suite card and opened the door.I closed it gently and began go towards the elevator throwing my wallet up and down in the air.When I got down to level one I rushed to the café not paying attention and accidentally fell on someone and that someone is Aria.I got up off of her helping her up trying to see if she was all right.I said sorry for bumping into her and bought her a drink because she seem like she hit her head pretty hard.I wasn't trying to stay long in the café but since Aria and I both had drinks we might as well sit down and drink them. If she's a friend of Blossom then she's a friend to me.As we talked she became and looked so familiar to me.It's like I known or met her before Bloss introduced us at the fashion show.I examined her hard finding the tattoo of the word Karma that I recognized.

"You said you went to college in London right ?"

"Yes sir "

"I did a lot of shows out there .. The London girls love me "

"Haha I bet they do , but you better be loving my girl Bloss !"

"Don't worry I am but um can I ask you a question ?"

"Go head "

"Have I fucked you before ?.."

"Excuse me ?

"I have huh ... I remember you because for one your tattoo and for two your different from any other Thot "

"I'm not a hoe so don't call me a Thot !"

"I let you stay the night with me that day but most of the time I fuck bitches and kick em out but you ... You were like Blossom or Blossom is like you because I met you first I don't know .."

"If I was like Blossom then why didn't we end up together when I met you first ..?"

"Because I wasn't ready for all of that .."

"So you are basically telling me if you were ready for a relationship at that time we would've been together...?"

"Yes .."

"Look I didn't come here to start problems or catch feelings for you I came because I missed my friend which is your girlfriend at the moment so don't have no second thoughts right now.I've seen you and Bloss together alright you guys love each other !"

"What do you mean at the moment are you trying to insinuate that Blossom and I are going to break up and I'm going to get with you ?"

"You must want that for yourself because I didn't say that "

I'm glad I didn't say anything else because I felt hands cover my eyes and figured it was Blossom.I pulled her from behind me so happy to see her.We put our foreheads together when I said under my breath "I love you".The dimples came out and those pearly whites shown.She pecked my lips.But no way was she going to get away just that easy.If she pecks my lips you should know it's going to turn into more and it did.We made out for a good minute but she pulled away.My puppy dog eyes came out but it was no use.When I looked back up ,Aria gave me this look showing me confirmation that she was feeling a type of way.She got up and left without saying a goodbye.She said she wasn't catching feelings but I know she is.But the bigger question is what the hell is wrong with me.I told my girlfriend old bestfriend that we could've been together and what scares me is that I meant it.If Blossom figured out me and Aria had sexual intercourse she will murder the girl but really she can't get mad because it happened way before we even met ...

"Babe where's Faith ? "I asked

"She's still in the suite sleeping "

"Who's in the suite with her ?"

"Sean, he told me to come get him a drink "

"Oh well okay "

"Baby lets make up a hand shake "she randomly said

"Haha alright "

We were suppose to leave back to Los Angeles in a hour but I guess we have to go later.Because Blossom and I stayed in this café for the longest time trying to make up a weird handshake only we can understand.It starts off sliding the hands , snapping the fingers crossing it over a little with our arms to the back of us dangling them wildly saying "Ayee" a couple of times . After the fact we goofed around laughing the whole time nonstop.We shot some jokes and harmlessly clowned some people.When we settled down we talked like the bestfriends we are.We talked about our future together and the memories we have together along with all the past stuff and family issues we had.We even talked about old boyfriends and girlfriends we had.She didn't judge me and I didn't judge her.The best thing about her is that we can talk about mostly anything.I do wish I can talk to her about Aria and tell her we had sex before.... But that is just a wish and even if I told her it would probably change everything between us.I cherish these moments like this so I don't want to risk them getting taken away.Before we went back to the suite she whispered in my ear "No more lies ,no more secrets right ".I didn't say anything back.All the guilt came as those words repeated over and over in my head.It killed my whole day completely.Now I really just want to go home.When we got back in the suite Sean was mad because we didn't bring back what he wanted.I wasn't talking to anyone I had my head down most the time.We all got dressed and our stuff ready.We returned the suite key and got in the taxi taking us to my jet.The whole flight back to Los Angeles I was distant and quiet. Bloss asked me what was wrong and you know I couldn't tell her the real reason so I lied and said I had a headache.Instead of her falling to sleep all the time I fell asleep.
Blossom Pov.

Hours past and we finally made it back to Chris house.Since he wasn't feeling good I had to do everything I didn't mind though.I grabbed his phone saying to unlock the door to the house.When everyone got in his dogs ran to us greeting us with licks and energy.Chris didn't greet them back he walked up to the room still not saying a word.I let Faith play with the dogs for a little before I put her in the bath.I ordered some pizzas because it was nothing in the fridge to cook and I didn't want to go to the store.When the pizza arrived I let Faith eat and told Chris but we wouldn't eat any .I put Faith in a quick bath getting her all warmed up.I put some comfortable clothes on her when the scent of weed encircled the house.I cursed under my breath shaking my head.I put her in bed turning the tv on so she can watch Disney channel and covered her with a blanket."If you need me go to uncle Chris room okay" She nodded her head okay.I closed the door behind me stomping over to the other room to find him of course smoking weed. I slammed the door throwing a pillow at him making him shout .

"What are you doing! " I yelled

"What does it look like !"he snapped

I charged at him grabbing the joint out his mouth and anymore he did have flushing it down the toilet.I got in his face fussing trying to get him to listen and understand he can't be doing that when Faith is around.He rolled his eyes pushing me down to the bed placing his head on my chest muttered "Please don't leave me".I was so confused , nobody said anything about leaving him but okay.I rubbed his head answering back "I'm not baby".He clung on to me closing his eyes.I reached over throwing the blanket on the both of us closing my eyes also.
Chris Pov .

I woke up to rain coming down majorly hard and the room being dark as ever no lights on at all.I wasn't latched on to Blossom anymore neither.I searched for my phone and it was three in the morning.I didn't think I would sleep that long.I switched on my flashlight app trying to see if Bloss was still sleep but she wasn't in the bed.I got up rubbing my eyes going to the room Faith is in but she wasn't in there neither and Faith was sleep.Where in the hell is this girl at ? I stumbled over a couple of things trying to get downstairs.I stopped and started thinking of where she can be.When it came to me.I walked outside to the back where we paint at.I don't know why she would be out here when it's raining this hard.I saw her laying on the ground harmoniously looking up at the cloudy sky soaking wet.I sat beside her mildly touching her arm.

"Why are you out here in the rain ?"I yawned

"Some people feel the rain others just get wet.."

"I'm going to stay out here with you if you're not coming back in ..."

"Okay .. But you don't have to stay if you don't want to "

"I want to trust me... Are you mad at me ?"

"No .. Do you want me to be mad at you ?"

"NO !" I  buckeyed said

"Chill " she giggled

"You know what time it is ?"

"Nope "

"Bloss ...?"

"Yes my love...?"

"It's three in the morning and you know I'm horny.."I sung slightly moaning

"Haha you better go masturbate or some shit " she chuckled

"Naw you suppose to satisfy me"

"No it's the other way around "

"Okay then .. Tell me why your favorite spot is your thighs ?"

"It's no-"**gco**

Before she can lie and say it's not I pulled her sweats off kissing the inside of her thighs instantly making her moan.Until she closed her legs."Don't start anything you can't finish " she directed."You trying to be funny I see... Keep talking shit and I'm gonna do you in " I snickered.But yet she went on with her talking and trying to crack jokes so like I said I'm about to do her in.I ripped her legs apart sliding my sweats off to.I wrapped her legs around me jamming in hardly going fast.I usually go slow because that's what she likes but not today.It seemed like the harder I went the harder the rain came down."You gonna listen next time " I said breathing hard."Hell to the no"she said while breathing fast.I thrusted back in forth not stopping once making her scream out through all of it.I'm about to make the neighbors hear us and know my name.Once her legs started to shake I was about to pull out but she begged for me not to.I laughed because I knew she was going to.Her climax was coming but I wanted to play with her anyways.I would stop then go again making her scream out my name multiple times.When I decided I would stop playing I went back in full speed where you can hear our wet skin from the rain and the sweat slap against each other.I'm so glad she's flexible because I be having her legs everywhere.I am glad we don't use condoms anymore because you can't have no fun with them.I still want Blossom to get pregnant but yet she takes birth control.I know we just now becoming a couple but I don't think I'm rushing things because I've known her for about what like almost six months now and we were practically already together, during those months.Well to me we were not to her I don't think. We went at it for hours when I finally decided to stop is when Blossom lost her voice from screaming so much.She pointed to her legs trying to tell me they were sore.It was hard trying to understand when she couldn't talk. "You want daddy to rub your legs?"She shook her head yes that she wanted me to.I smirked a bit requesting if she wanted to go another round.She took her hand slapping the back of my neck vexed.I tried so hard to hold back my laugh but it was impossible.

I helped her up still shrieking with laughter.She pushed me out her way grabbing her drenched clothes slowly going back inside.I made her lose her voice and made her legs sore this was a pretty good morning so far.I was still over there laughing at her limping when she locked the door on me.My laughter went away when I couldn't get back in my house. "Baby I was just playing ! Open the door please " "Really I didn't mean it " I cried "C'mon now !" But she didn't come back.I put my wet clothes back on laying against the wall.A couple of minutes past and she finally came opening the door smiling hard.I got up looking at her with my serious face grasping her waist.I lifted her up In my arms running back upstairs........
Author's Note: Hey y'all I'm happy you guys are loving this story thanks for the support ! And for the rest of people I picked when I did the cast call don't worry y'all about to be in the story just be patient. :)) Should I do that comment and vote thing again ? I know everybody hates when I do that lmao but I need the feedback so I can update faster !! :]] Oh should I made the rated R scenes more explicit or leave it how it is ?

100 votes and 40 comments for me to update ....:p Y'all can do it !

"Was Chris really serious about what he said to Aria ?"

"What would Blossom do if she found out about Aria and Chris?"

Hmmmm until next time ✌️

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