I want you out

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This chapter is dedicated to ilovemcr345 for being the first one to coment on the story. Thank you for reading this.



'~Franks Pov~

The bond between Midnight and Gerards is like a love bond, or as most people reffure to as a mate. The thing is vampires can't reporduce. But the vampires body is like... confused. It pushes to mate, to repoduce, even though it can't. Thats like the animal side of them. an instinct. I haven't met my lover yet, neither has Mikey or Ray. Gerard knows that she's his lover, but he's still an ass to her. This isn't me being jelouse, no, more like an over protective brother. The only love I feel for M is the family kind.

~Midnights POV~

Odly enough I didn't want to pull away. More like I wanted to pull him closer to me. It was weird, because I really don't like Gereard... he's a total jerk to me. But yet here I am Making out with him on his bed. Gerard pulled back and calmly walked out of the room, as if nothing happened. He probably wanted me to go insane, trying to figure out this whole thing. Leaving it to linger in my head. I though for a second. What DID just happen.

I'm not the kinda girl who kisses guys she doesn't like, or at all as a matter of fact. I've only ever kissed one guy before. He was a jock that I was going out with and we kissed, then he must have realized I'm not gonna give him anything and he broke up with me.

I got up, turned the music off and walked down stairs. If he was gonna pretend nothing happened, so was I. I sat on the couch next to Frankie.

"He M." He said putting his arm around, in a friendly manner, kinda like a side hug.

"Hi Frankie." I said smiling at him. Gerard, who was sitting across from me on the other couch, stood up.

"Well, I need to feed. Want to join me Midnight?" He asked with a smirk on his face, knowing I didn't like to see them feed or even think about it. Great back to him being a jerk. I rolled my eyes and stood up. I went back upstairs, to Frankie's room. I don't want to talk to him, or even look at him.

~franks POV~

"Well I need to feed. Want to join me Midnight?" Gerard said with a smirk on his face, knowing it freaked her out to even think of us feeding. M rolled her eyes and walked upstairs, I think she went into my room.

"Really Gerard." I said.

"What did I do." He sound like he really didn't know what he had done. But I knew he knew.


"Okay, she need to get used to the idea of us feeding. She is in a house of vampires. She needs to suck it up." I wanted to slap Gerard right now.

"Gerard, you've been such a jerk to her since she woke up." I said.

"She wouldn't be here in the first place if you learned to control yourself!" Gerard yelled

~Gerard's POV~

"I wouldn't have to if you didn't loose control!" Frank yelled at me. "Whatever, I'm out of here." He turned and walked out the door, slamming it shut. Now my best friend hates me and its all Midnights fult. I walked up the stairs to Franks room.

"I want you out." I said to Midnight. She looked at me in confusion. "You don't have to go home, but you are not staying here. Ten minutes to get whatever you can together before I throw you out." I said. She nodded and started to collect stuff that she left in Franks room.

~Midnights POV~

Great. Just fucking great. I know I can't go home. What am I suppose to tell everybody. That I've been in a house with vampires all week. All my cuts haven't even fully healed yet. I collected some stuff from Franks room. Most of my stuff was in Gerards room. Since he's the only one who dosent sleep for pleasure, I got stuck in his room. I got my stuff, then retreated back to Franks room. I go a piece of paper and pen and left a note for him.

'Hey Frankie.... I'm leaving

town, Gerard kicked me out and I can't really go home. So yeah. I love you Frankie. Thanks for being my big brother.


I left it on Franks bed and left. I walked through the woods, all by myself, at night. I walked for a while, then realized I was lost. I looked around to see the cabin, nowhere in sight.

"Thanks Gerard." I mumbled to myself. If he wanted me out he could have at least waited till to tomorrow. For daylight. But no, I think he wants me to die. I used to play in the woods all the time at night. But I don't know where I am, what woods I'm in, or I don't even have a light.

I stopped walking. Looking around, trying to figure out where I am. I looked around. I can't see a thing.

All of a sudden I saw glowing red eyes. I screamed.

~Gerards POV~

I herd a scream. A high pitched scream. Not anyone's scream. Midnights scream. I ran to her, not thinking. All I knew was I needed to save Midnight. Using vampire speed I got to her. Only to find her being tackled by another vampire. This vampire was my enemy. Someone I wouldn't mind killing. I got behind him, fast and ripped his heart out. I cought his body before he fell on Midnight. I picked her up. She was crying


Hey guys I'm really sorry I haven't been updating.... I've been busy with family and snowmobiling.... So I'm sorry, I really am.


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