Chapter 2: One Hell Of A Catch

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The ghouls were walking down the hallways when Frankie brought up the topic. "So Clawdeen how'd you like the guy we met this morning?" The ghouls 'ooh'ed at Clawdeen. "A boy...what kind of boy? How'd you meet him? Did he ask you out?" Cleo giggled. "He's a boy what other kind of boy is there out there? He bumped into me and I fell...AND NO HE DID NOT ASK ME OUT!!!!!" Clawdeen tried to express obviously, but not so well as it left a light blush to her face. It really wasn't that noticeable. But would our great princess of Egypt ever overlook the smallest, almost unnoticeable detail...nope never in her life. Cleo got close to Clawdeen's face. "Is that?..." She looked closer to her face. "Mhm... it is!!!!!!" Exclaimed Cleo. "It is what...if you don't mind me asking." Frankie asked innocently. "I Cleo de Nile am proud to be the one to notice and inform you all that...Clawdeen. The sassy,independent wolf we all know and love...has a...slight almost completely unnoticeable..." "Continue with the saying of Clawdeen please." Abbey said as Cleo gave her a look. "I was getting as I was saying before I was RUDELY interrupted...whoever this guy is I must meet him because Clawdeen's BLUSHING!!!!!!!!!!!!" "AHHHHHH" The ghouls screamed in unison. "No I am nooooooooot!" Clawdeen pleaded "How about we not talk about this?" "Uhhh. Touchy." Cleo said.
After all their classes were finished the ghouls decided to head to lunch and that is where the ghouls got to meet C.S.
Heath and C.S. walked into the creepateria. Heath immediately introduced C.S. to the guys. "Hey brosifachachos...yea I totally made that word up...I came to introduce you to the new dude his name is C.S. He's a jock." " Hey dude, my name is Deuce what sport you play?" "I play graveball" "Awww cool see ya at the tryouts." "Hey bro, my name is Clawd, how are ya?" "Fine thanks." C.S. replied but in his head he was thinking 'that's her brother he really doesn't look that bad but Heath said he'll rip me to shreds...even though I don't blame him it's bro code I would do that if some guy I just met hits on my little sis...but I'm not like that...oh well.' "HEEEEEEEEY my name is Holt Hyde nice ta meet cha'." "Hey Holt cool threads bro." "Thank ya." "By the way we're cousins. If you couldn't tell. Also...Holt show him Jj." C.S. stated in awe as Holt took off his headphones and a human boy appeared. "Oh snap!" "Yeah I get that a huh?" "YEAH that was CLAWSOME!!!!" "I know right!?" Heath replied for Jackson. Suddenly Heath froze...he looked directly at Deuce and raised his eyebrow twice...Deuce looked confused then he quickly said "Um...." Heath looked up at Heath again and Heath gestured to Clawd. "Ugh hey Clawd, bro, can u ask coach if we on Saturday?" "Yeah sure man." And Clawd got up and walked away... "Talk fast u know he's quick." Deuce spoke softly, Clawd had very keen ears even though he was far away. "Yo we need to hook up this dude and Clawdeen." "You like her?" Jackson asks Heath goes up behind him and puts the headphones back on...the transformation back to Holt was swift. "AWWWWWWWWW no way. Tall,dark,and gruesome can't like a ghoul like Deen yo. He better watch out for Alpha bro." "Who is that?" "Your competition." Deuce said. " You know what you should do, you should go apologise to her again and introduce yourself to the ghouls." Heath said obviously feeling smart as he had a smug look on his face. "I cant..." C.S. quickly spoke up..."I-i'll stutter again." "Baby...then we'll do it." "HEEEEYYYY GHOULS!!!" Heath said as him C.S., Deuce and Holt approached the ghoul table. Heath quickly looked at C.S. to start speaking. "U-u-ugh hey umm... Clawdeen I'm really sorry I must apologise again for knocking you're sure your okay?" "Yeah I promise I'm okay, really." Frankie began whispering but Holt cut her off. "Hey Frankie-Fine how are ya baby?" He wrapped his arm around her waist under the table and smirked devilishly. "Stop Holt..." "But all I did was ask how are you baby. What's so wrong about that?" "HEEEEYYYY Abz. Miss me baby I know you did howa bouta kiss? Huh? Huh?" Heath said scooting closer and closer to Abbey. "Abbey is the missing you no more. Good bye Heath." But then she turned sneaking him a little peck on his lips..."Yea Abbey kiss me like that all the time..." Heath said making Abbey blush, because she kissed him very gently and didn't expect him to make a big deal out of it. "Hey Cleo. How are ya?" Deuce asked. "I'm fine Deuce." Cleo said quickly before wrapping her arms around Deuce's neck and giving him a "real kiss" unlike Heath and Abbey's. The ghouls shuttered a bit. Cleo and Deuce's kisses always make them shutter, not to mention they always went on too long; but they were still a cute couple either way. After the kiss was finally over Cleo and Deuce separated to see everyone somewhat staring at them. Especially Draculaura, she secretly always wanted to kiss Clawd like that but he always kept it simple. Holt broke the silence. "Hey Frankie-Fine these 2 have me a thinkin'" Holt scooted closer to her. "We should kiss like that..." Frankie's face went blood red and she stared at him like he'd gone crazy. Not helping at all, Heath was going crazy in the background cat-calling and screaming. It took Abbey to kiss him again to make him Shut up. Then Clawd came, and Heath looked at C.S. and shrugged. They all said their goodbyes while Clawd was talking to Draculaura and the boys went back to eating at their table.
Heath and C.S. spoke briefly afterwards about the ghouls and guys. After finishing their classes the last class of the day was waiting it was either Graveball for those who played, Fearleading for those who cheered, and Physical Deadication for those who had neither.
C.S. had just made the team at the Graveball tryouts. Nearby the Fearleading team weren't holding tryouts it was next week but they were practicing for a back to school show that took place the next day and Cleo was tense. Despite the fact they have been practicing all Boo-ly and Rawgust. Cleo decided to experiment and switch up the roles in the Scare-a-mid. "Okay, so, instead of our normal routine I want to switch it up a bit and have Frankie and Draculaura on the bottom, and Clawdeen on top." " Are you sure we can do that? I'm not good used to that kind of stuff." Draculaure cautioned. "You will all be fine, now, i wanna see it CHOP CHOP! 1-2-3-4." And with her command the ghouls did as she said. disnt work out all so well. "Ahhhhhh a beeeeeee" Draculaura yelled "Draculaura calm down you'll be fine I promise." Frankie assured. All this shaking was really affecting Clawdeen on top and she began to lose her balance. "Woah woah can you guys chill down there im startin to lose my balance." Clawdeen warned. Cleo began to yell at them to try to keep balanced but the bee landed on Draculara's shoulder and it sent her RUNNING. Meanwhile the boys were just playing around throwing the graveball back and forth to eachother when C.S. noticed Clawdeen tumble backwards and dashed off. Almost the the winning touchdown of the SuperHowl C.S. ran like his life depended on it and just managed to catch her mid-fall. "Huh?" Clawdeen opened her eyes and saw her knight in graveball armor, "Hey um i saw you fall and i ran to come catch you." "thanks" "no prob" C.S. bluffed. He would have been broken if he missed her. He let ger down very softly and *mwa* she laid a gentle kiss on his cheek as a reward before going back to the ghouls who couldn't stop teasing it that it reminded them of that one scene in Screm Beach movie when that song Fallin for ya came on. C.S. happily walked back to the guys he was lucky Clawd was inside with Headmistress trying to schedule a game. Anyways it was the last period of the day. They would all be going home soon, so I guess you could say everyone had a great first day.

☆HI WEIRDIOS i am soooooo sorry it took me so long. I had A LOT of projects and now im dealing with summer projects too. Love you guys😘 remember to get some good ol fashion R&R♡

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2017 ⏰

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