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Nine years later

I walked down the similar corridor with grey walls and cracked ceilings.

His screams, yells and the rose petals were all I could think of as I took each step forward, holding the rose bouquet closer and tighter, my lips pressed in a thin line together.

So much had changed in the past nine years. I was a professional photographer now, I had shifted to Los Angeles and just like a small, common rose, Troye was a memory that I had pressed at the back of my mind, fading away and forgotten.

I took a deep breath as I approached the girl at the front who was talking on the phone. I waited for her to finish talking and replace the receiver back at its place.

I just felt so uncomfortable as I watched the patients being steered around in wheelchairs and some of them behave like they were being possessed by lunatics. I was just so scared as I remembered the time Troye had attacked me with a knife.

Maybe, visiting him after finding his old pictures in the cabinet of my closet was not the best idea ever. The lady at the front desk looked up at me and gave me a warm smile while tucking a black strand of hair behind her ear.

"Welcome, sir. How may I help you? Are you here to visit someone?" She asked softly, the smile plastered on her face.

I glanced at the shining ring on my finger and hesitated a minute before saying, "I am here to meet Troye Sivan Mellet, aged twenty five, probably..."

My voice trailed off as my throat got dry and the only things that I could hear are his terrified screams and yells as he got separated from me.

The lady's eyes immediately shone like Christmas lights as she heard Troye's name and she pressed her lips together before saying, "ah, good ol' Troye. He is such a sweetheart. He always offers roses to people and makes everyone smile... But, the sad thing is that I have never seen him smile..."

"Oh," I replied, remembering how pretty his smile used to be, remembering how his smile used to fill up the empty space in my heart and make me feel complete and perfect. It was all gone now.

I felt a sudden empty feeling in my chest as if someone had just struck a chord or made me realize how stupid and selfish I have been for letting him stay like that.

"Can I visit him now?" I asked, not knowing what else to do.

"Yes, he is at his resting hour schedule. I will escort you to his room, please follow me," the girl said as she walked towards the left wing.

I was met by several patients in the corridor, with different characteristic behaviors, some extremely happy and the others extremely sad but there was one thing that was common to them all - they were all alone, they had to go through this all alone.

And somehow, that made my heart ache.

We arrived in front of a blue glass door which had a drawing of roses, messily colored stuck vertically. I smiled and whispered, "this is Troye's room, isn't it?"

The girl with dark hair nodded and sighed before telling me, "You are the first visitor he has had ever since he came here so we don't actually know how he will react. But, his condition is better now so probably, he would be calm about it. I am standing right here. If something happens , just call out to me, alright?"

I took a deep breath, trying to push away the awkward pain in my chest as I gestured a thumbs up to the girl while whispering a small 'alright.'

To say that I was scared would be an understatement.

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