Hanging Out

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Naomi POV

I started college about a month ago and Im already making friends like crazy. There's people like me at college and Im greatful for that. 

They like Magic, Yugioh, Pokemon and other games and card games I play as well. We also are known for our personal jokes, no way am I going to name them here, but take a guess on what it is.

I take classes that are pretty easy to me, however Im behind in my notes, but dont worry, Im determined to get caught up witht them. I just need to focus hard enough and learn more about whats important or not.

Also, I was able to make up lost time to friends Ive met in high school, like my friend Kai. 

Kai is someone who I met my junior year in high school and even though I wasnt able to talk to her my senior year due to a lot of drama, I still considered her my friend. But since we graduated and in college, we're making up lost time for that. 

We hang out, talk, go shopping and stuff. I would buy stuff for her and she would thank me for it, I dont expect anything in return other than her accepting me for who I am and understanding me. Thats all. 

It Tuesday and we only had two classes then we had the day to ourselves, Kai said, "Hey, want to go to Tower City after class?" I said, "Sure, why not? I have everything caught up in my school work." 

So after class, we headed to Tower City.

There wasnt much to really do other than go to GameStop. We went inside and looked around for any games we like. Kai picked up a Assassin's Creed game saying "OH MY GOD, I WANT THIS SO MUCH!!!" I said, "Its only $10, might as well get it now." Kai said, "I am going to get it, lets see if there's any other games."

Kai went back to looking around, I was looking around too when I saw a Kingdom Hearts game on the shelf of the PS4 section. 

"Kingdom Hearts 3?! Out already?!" I said in shock, "Thats not exactly 3, its 2.8." said the store clerk. I said, "Kingdom Hearts 2.8? Might as well make Kingdom Hearts 3 if they were going to make this." The store clerk said, "I know, but no other information has been revealed for the Kingdom Hearts 3, that game in your hands is pretty good from what I heard."

Kai said, "I would get it and look its on sale for $5." I said, "Good ass game for $5? Sounds fishy if you ask me." Kai said, "Why would it sound fishy?" I said, "Kingdom Hearts games to $40-$70 depending on how good the game is and the quality of it. This game being on sale for $5 sounds like someone did something to the game and the person who played it might have discovered something for it to be this cheap."

Kai said, "I got lost where you said 'a person who played the game might have discovered something in it' what do you mean by that?" I said, "You never heard of stories like 'Ben Drowned' or the creepy version of 'Pokemon Red'?" Kai shook her head no, I said, "The game would have a mind of its own or someone is taking over the game in spirit. Stuff like that would make a game be cheap like this."

Kai said, "I think I know what youre talking about, but I never pay attention to that stuff, but its that then dont get it." I said, "Im going to get it, just it sounds fishy as fuck for it to be $5 and it a specialized, world-wide game." Kai said, "Dude, chill out, no need to get all offensive."

I really wasnt getting offensive, more like just telling her, but its whatever. I bought the game and kai bought her games, we left GameStop and looked around in other stores and stuff. 

Kai said, "There's nothing to really do here at all." I said, "Well, when i was little there was alot of things you can do here. There was a McDonald's here, a Dillard's where the casino is now, there was alot." Kai said, "Then what the hell happened?"

I said, "Dont you see the police all around here? The robberies and the fact that no one has any money to spend, the stores went out of business." Kai said, "Youre very lucky, I didnt get to enjoy any of that." I said, "Well, where youre from, its better than this state." Kai said, "What do you mean?" I said, "What I mean is that you have more stuff from where you come from. Like bigger museums, zoos, stuff like that." 

Kai said, "Ohhh, that. Well, California is better than this state. I have to be honest." I said, "Ive seen better than this, Tennessee, Illinois, and Florida make this state the laughing stock of the United States." Kai said, "I know...Hey what go around downtown and see if there's other stores to look at?"

I said, "Sure." 

We left Tower City and went looking at other clothing stores, I said, "Hey, look, a guy's clothing store. Arent you still looking for some boy pants?" Kai said, "Yeah I am, lets go in and take a look. Hopefully they have some pants for me to fit in." I said, "They should."

We walked into Just For Guys and looked around. Kai spotted some black pants, she said, "What size are these?" I said, "They look skinny, what size do you wear in women?" Kai said, " I wear a 8 in women." 

I said, "Then you would wear a 28 in men." Kai looked at the size and said, "These are a 33." I said, "Sweet, let me see if they fit." Kai said, "Hold on, let me find my pants first." 

I looked around the pant section and saw a size 28, I said, "Hey Kai, I found some right here." Kai walked over and said, "Nice, Im going to try them on, are you trying yours on?" I said, "Yeah, I want to make sure they fit me just fine." Kai said, "Well come on then."

We head over to the fitting rooms and tried on the pants, I said, "Perfect!! I feel like a boy now." Kai said, "Oh please..." I said, "How does the pants fit?" Kai said, "They fit fne." I said, "Want to buy them?" Kai said, "Yeah, but i want to see what else they got."

We changed back into to other pants and went around looking again, I found a Kingdom Hearts shirt on sale and Kai founded a her a rainbow shirt. I said, "Definitely getting this shirt." Kai said, "Im getting this shirt." I said, "That looks nice and colorful." Kai said, "It stands for my sexuality, which youy should know, right?" I said, "Yeah, I do. You said it so many times and you show it alot."

Kai said, "Yep, thats me." We both laughed and paid for our stuff.

When we left, it was dark outside, I said, "It darks already?" Kai said, "I have to get home, so Ill see you." I Said, "Okay, see you." We gave each other hugs and went out separate ways.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2017 ⏰

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