I Want You

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Oliver Hampton hated his apartment building.

The rent was too expensive, the apartments were tiny and the walls were annoyingly thin. He can hear ever detail of his next door neighbour's gross sex life and it's gotten so bad that he sometimes had to sleep with earplugs in.

The landlord was completely useless. It had taken almost a month for him to find someone to fix Oliver's fridge and Oliver would have done it himself but he is admittedly a bit useless when it comes to these things.

The only reason why he still lives in apartment 303 is because it's close to his work and in the two years that he has been living here, Oliver has managed to make the place look more homely and cosy than tiny and wretched.

Six months after he moved in, his friends came over and they spent two weeks painting the rooms and going to second hand stores to buy furniture so now it doesn't look so bad.

But he still hates it.

That was until his cranky old neighbour across the hall from him moved out five months ago.

Robert was his name and he made a fuss over anything and everything. He was constantly asking Oliver's help with fixing things, as if Oliver would be any help and when Oliver was unable to help or was busy, Robert would mutter some insult about how weak gay men were and would stomp off and slam his door in a huff.

So needless to say when Robert moved out to live with his granddaughter, Oliver was beyond thrilled.

His apartment building still sucked but it wasn't quite so bas anymore.

Two weeks after that Oliver literally bumped into a stranger on the staircase while he was in a rush to get to work.

The stranger dropped the box he was holding at the unexpected body bashing into him and he stumbled down a few steps, awkwardly gripping onto Oliver's arms tightly so he didn't completely fall over.

Oliver was repeating apologies and bending down to pick up the other man's cardboard box when he looked up and caught sight of his face for the first time.

He was young, probably a year or two younger than Oliver. His brown hair was carefully gelled to one side in a clearly perfected manor. His deep brown eyes were looking Oliver up and down, most likely judging him immensely for running into him and not looking where he was going.

Not to mention the stranger was gorgeous, extremely gorgeous.

He wore a small smirk and scruff that seemed to suit him perfectly. His clothes were very form-fitting and even though he stood lower than him on the staircase, Oliver suspected they were around the same height.

Oliver hesitated for a minute before handing the man back his heavy box that had the words, "SCHOOL BOOKS" written across it in black sharpie.

"I'm so sorry." Oliver apologised again, guilt piling in his stomach.

The other man's grin simply widened, "Don't worry about it."

Oliver swallowed and continued walking down a few steps because number one he wasn't sure what else to say and number two he really was very late for work.

"Hey wait!" That same voice called him back and Oliver turned around and looked up, "So just so I know do you live here or are you just someone's lucky late-night visitor?"

Oliver's cheeks stained crimson and the stranger raised an eyebrow.

"I...I live here. Apartment 303"

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