Chapter 4: Who Am I?

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It took several moments, but Starscream finally managed to snap out of his stupor. Acting out of impulse, he immediately brandished the saw in his right arm, threateningly bringing it in front of Aislinn's pale face.

"You!" He activated the blade, making it spin menacingly. "Who are you?" He growled out, "Some kind of spy?" His scratchy voice was dripping with venom.

The femme still did not scream, though she was visibly holding her breath. The half-asleep glaze in her brown eyes had blinked out of existence. They finally flashed with the fear that the air commander was looking for, only egging him on.

Ash knew that she had been an absolute idiot to be so loose-lipped just moments earlier. She hated just how out of it she could be whenever she had just woken up, especially when she was this tired. Now, she had only revealed that she knew too much.

Cheese…What should I do?

Her hands were beginning to tremble once more and a cold sweat was beginning to form on her forehead.

Compose yourself! Fear will only encourage him!

"Where did you get that?" Starscream hissed, indicating the dark metal of the Decepticon insignia hanging on the chain around her neck. He was getting increasingly angered by the lack of any verbal response from the human girl.

What do I do?... Ash was quite close to breaking. Pressure never did her any good. Things were definitely different when you were faced with the real thing. It was much easier to talk and act when it was all just fiction- pretend.

Pretend. Something in the back of her mind whispered. But then wouldn't she just reveal more? That would royally screw things up.

The half truth will do. Come on. You're good at making stories.

One deep breath later, a strange sense of calm washed over her.

When she opened her eyes, Ash threw Starscream an annoyed look.

"And I th-thought it was obvious." She had stuttered a bit, but at least she hadn't clammed up. The second-in-command was now more curious than angry.

Insulting Starscream, then displaying arrogance in his presence even if he could crush her in a nanoklik. This human is definitely something, Barricade contemplated. He didn't hold back his smirk this time.

Scalpel skittered forward, getting close to the femme's face. One look at the doctor's optics told her that he knew something.

Why does he look like he's expecting something from me? Fudge… This is could mean something!

Ash took it as a clue.

Wing it.

"Stop fooling around human. Answer me now, or I will find other means to make you talk."

Gears turning in her head, she quickly blurted out her next words.

"Scalpel knows who I am." She said, praying that the confidence in her tone was convincing enough. If the bot believed her, he might be able to give her something to go on.

Oh God, please. Let this work.

Ash clung desperately to the scraps of hope she had left, majority of it having disintegrated five seconds earlier.

"Hmmmmm." Scalpel examined her once more, his optics narrowing, optic lenses shifting as he thought. After several moments of intense silence, he spoke again.

"Who zent you, human?" Her answer would surely define her fate.


"Soundwave…" Ash replied easily, thinking fast about what she knew about him.

"Communications officer of the Decepticons, creator of the Cassetticons, three of them being Frenzy, Ravage, and Laserbeak." She didn't name the rest. After all, she couldn't be sure who exactly was still functional in this plot. It was best to play it safe.

"That's all I know about him."

Seemingly convinced, Scalpel glanced at the second-in-command.

"Deactivate zat weapon of yourz Ztarzcream. She iz 'armless." The bot waved one digit lazily.

"So you do know this human?" The seeker looked utterly confused.

"Not eczactly. 'owever, vat I do know iz zat she vil vork vith us."

statement, not a threat. Bingo!

"Fudge, yeah!" Ash agreed with a little too much enthusiasm. She hoped they didn't notice just how jittery her smile was.

The Cons gave her a strange look.

Cheeseballs, Ash! You're not supposed to talk like that to these guys!

"Uhmmm… my... apologies." Oooooh. Now I sound so formal. She grinned internally. "I do play the role of a col- high school student." Phew. Almost let that slip out.

Where Ash was from, high school was two years shorter, which was why she was in college at a young age.

Starscream hesitantly deactivated his saw and removed the servo holding her down.

"Your designation, human." It wasn't a request.

Da hell, do I tell him? Would it matter if told them a fake name?

Freezing, she realized that the Cons could have searched her while she was knocked out. Her university ID was in her pocket.

Gawd, I hope it's still there.

She slowly sat up, cringing slightly from the pain in her ribs, but inwardly sighing in relief when she felt familiar poke of the corners of the rectangular plastic card through the fabric of her jeans.

Coughing a bit to buy herself a little more time, she thought of a name that she could give them.

The goofy grin that plastered itself onto Ash's face when she answered had nothing to do with trying to appease the air commander.

Might as well add a little fun to it.

"Shaya. Shaya Fox."


a/n: The last part is sort of my favorite part of the chapter. I'd really laugh my head off if someone doesn't get it. :D

QUESTION FOR THE CH:    You come across a black and white Saleen Mustang police cruiser. Oddly enough, the number on the front is 643 and the words emblazoned on its side say "to punish and enslave". Surely it can't be true. The driver's side door pops open and a man steps out. What does Barricade's holoform look like? or who does he look like (if you have any ideas, please tell me :D).

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