Chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to Mum

I reach his side. Panting, I kneel, go to put his head on my lap and hold his hand. As I do so, he reaches up, pierces and intocsocates. I fight against him.                                                                                                                                                                       “Sleeeeep.” Reluctantly, my body and mind give in. He takes control. It was like heaven. I felt like I could live on this forever. I start slipping into its vortex of death, not taking notice of anything, not even the time.

Bam! I’m broken from it. Dazed and dizzy I look up to see the blurry figures of Dominique, Carol, Hasana and Adianna. Carol and Hasana rush to my side, their palms hovering over me and chanting, healing me, and ridding me of the faintness that had consumed me. Jason was being thrown about the beach. Dominique reaches for her knife, anger visible upon her face.                                                                                                                                                                                               

“Mother stop!” Adianna grabs her. “Amy is more important.” Reluctantly Dominique backs away and helps lift me to the car.


“She’s got a fever.” I hear someone say. I shake my head back and forth. It feels like I’ve been hit by a train.                                                                              

“More ice Adianna.” Hasana? After a couple of minutes, I hear rustling and feel something wet and cold like it just came out of the freezer. Ice.                            

“Will she be alright?” Adianna asks. She’s always been like a sister to me, so why not I to her.                                                                                                                              

“She should be. But it’s up to her to decide.” Hasana deciphers. Someone sniffles.                                                                                                                          

“It’s ok Mum. It’s ok.” Adianna comforts. Dominique. She’s never cried over anyone before, not even when she lost her daughter nor when vampires abducted and killed her husband and left him on her doorstep. I start slipping into unconsciousness and blackout.

The Promise - The Promise Trilogy, Book 1 (WILL BE REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now