Taemin X Reader

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My so called 'Mother' yelled at me as she threw a glass bottle across the room. My 'Father' yelled at the older woman for throwing his half empty beer bottle, not because it was at me, because it had alcohol in it.

I run while I can, I run to my room, which it the basement. I grab my backpack and dump everything out of it, then stuff it with my wallet, school ID, book, tablet, chargers,and some clothes. I put my phone in my left back pocket and start to leave when something shiny catches my eye. It was a little thing that knew me better that any thing else. It was my best friend that been with me since I was 14.

It was my black and silver pocket knife on a key chain. I stare at it for a little and grab it, knowing it will come in use so, very soon.

Next stop is the door that takes me away from the hell home I live in. Quickly and quietly, I run to the door that leads me to freedom. I open the door and run, and run, and run , and run. I run until I can't breathe any more. By then I'm at my destination. A small garden in the woods. One that only I know about.
....Or so I thought.


There is no importance for my living, why do I even bother staying alive, my, "Parents" if you would them that, won't even notice my disappearance, no one would. So why bother living, I'm just a burden to this world.

I decide that I'm not worth living, I cut my shoulder lightly not going too deep, I drag the knife all the way down my arm, getting deeper by the second. I stop and my wrist and write a word on my arm. "Worthless" I look at the word, it came out beautifully, blood dripping down from each letter.

I was about to cut my wrist deeply to end my self, but hear footsteps in the woods, they were very close. I jump up ready to run.

"W-wait!! Don't run, I'm not gonna hurt you!" A boy said tuning out of a bunch of bushes, I throw a small amount of pebbles at him making him fall, thinking he was my older brother.

Instead, I see a young boy with blond hair. He was wearing a long-sleeved grey shirt that seemed a little too big on him. He also wore dark jeans and black converse.

Immediately, I realize he isn't going tonight me. But I still keep cautious movements. "S-sorry, reflexes I guess" I say walking over to him and extending a hand to help him up. He hesitated to take it, but enclosed our hands and pulled himself up.

"Didn't mean to scare you" The boy said. "May I ask something?"

"Something other than just now? Sure" I replied with a small smile.

"What were you doing just now, with that knife?" He says pointing to the small pocked knife in my hand and then sees blood dripping down my right arm. His eyes widen and he grabs my hand pulling back my sleep that was soaked in blood. "W-Why?" He asks stuttering slightly. I tug my hand out of his and put it behind me.

"Life sucks, I'm worthless, no friends who would miss me, so called parents like to throw stuff at me and abuse me, I hate my life, so what's it matter?" I answer. "Now if you would please leave, I don't think you want to see some one commit subacu(Suicide, but I like to call it subacu)" I saw turning around and drawing out my knife.

Before I can once again try and cut my wrist, the knife in my hand get taken away and thrown into the woods. Unfeeling blood rush to my face as anger takes over. "WHY DID YOU DO THAT!?!?!? CAMT YOU TELL I WANNA DIE!? I HATE THIS STUPID WORLD, IT SUCKS It OnLy maKeS people S-sad...." I yell at him, but in the end, I fall to my knees crying.

Flower Boy (A Taemin X Reader One-shot)Where stories live. Discover now