chapter 3

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The next day was not the best for Kurt. Blaine was avoiding him at school and ignoring his text. But it was too late now because Kurt was packing because he's leaving for McKinley tomorrow.

This week is gonna suck without Blaine Kurt thought

"Blaine, I really hope you call me back." Kurt said as if Blaine was sitting at Kurt's desk.

As Kurt was sitting in complete silence until Mercedes' ring tone, Respect by Aretha Franklin, started playing so loud that it felt like Aretha was playing a concert in Kurt's back yard.

"Hey Mercedes," Kurt greeted, happy to hear his friend's voice again, but he was also sad that Mercedes wasn't Blaine, "how have you been?"

"I've been great! How have you and Blaine been?"

"We were doing great, but he couldn't come to McKinley with me." Kurt replied sadly

"Aw! Really?" Mercedes said "worried".

"Yeah, I guess he doesn't have feelings for me anymore."

"Why would you think that he didn't have feelings for you anymore Kurt? From what you told me it sounded like Blaine loves you!"

"Yeah, but it may have just been lust." Kurt said sadly.

"I doubt it Kurt"

"Thanks Mercedes, but I really believe that he doesn't love me anymore!"

"Kurt, since you're so worried about that then what are your reasons for thinking that Blaine doesn't love you anymore?"

"Well for one, he said that he didn't have any plans but he can't come to McKinley with me!" Kurt vented.

"Kurt, calm down," Mercedes yelled as Kurt was putting his Marc Jacobs collection in his suitcase, "listen, I'm not telling you to forget about Blaine, but why don't you find a new crush, but just for your trip to McKinley because Karofsky's been asking Finn about you."

"Hmm really? Karofsky's been asking about me?" Kurt said concerned.


"Hmm that's not weird!" Kurt joked.

"Ha Ha you still have your humor Kurt! I have to go do homework, Kurt, but I'll call you later!"

"Thanks Mercedes and OK I'll talk to you later!" Kurt replied.

Then like a flash a thought came into Kurt's head.

"Wait Mercedes do you know where Finn is?" he asked nervously.

After that the only thing Kurt could hear was thing buzzing of his phone; Mercedes hung up.

Kurt's going back to McKinely for a weekWhere stories live. Discover now