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I stand at my bedroom window and gaze outside without really seeing anything. How come my mom didn't tell me that I was a werewolf? But most importantly: did she even know?
I turn away from the window and go to my makeup box. Taking out my tube of lipgloss, I add another layer onto my lips, putting my hair up in a bun, but my new wolf growls at me, getting me to shriek in surprise.
"What did I do to irritate you?!" I cry to her, my eyes widening in disbelief. "I seriously just found out you were in my head fifteen minutes ago, so how could you be mad at me. . ., Ava?" I smile at the cool name that I gave her.
Leave your hair down, Ava says from inside my head.
"Why?" I ask.
Because Jacob and his wolf Frosty the Snowman will be here any minute now.
I sigh and put my hair down. So Jacob and his wolf-
Don't you dare laugh. Jacob isn't good at coming up with names.
I can't help it. A small giggle escapes my mouth as soon as I realize that Jacob named his wolf after a snowman. It's just so damn funny to know that-
"Ow!" I hold my head in my hands as a sharp pain goes through it. Ava laughs evilly.
I warned you.
"But that really hurt," I whine, pouting. "Why do you want me to get all dolled up?"
Because we're both going to lose our virginity tonight, girlfriend.
"W-what?" I stutter.
You heard me.
My jaw drops. "But I don't think I'm ready for that yet."
Then why are you smiling?
I blink in confusion, looking in my mirror only to see that she's right. My smile turns upside down and my face heats up.
"You're so annoying," I mutter,
I know I am, sunshine. Now tell me what happened before you went into heat.
I roll my eyes, telling her how Jacob made me feel like he was molesting me when he touched me and how I threw a hairbrush at him and ran away to Charlie's.
I frown. "What?"
So there wasn't any sex?
I gasp. "Of course not!"
Bedroom sex?
"God, no!"
Bathroom sex?
Living room sex?
Any sex?
"Fuck you."
I'm about to put my hair up in a ponytail, when Ava sends that same shoot of pain in my head.
I groan when I hear my bedroom window being opened. "Whoever you are coming into my room, I will cut of your dick and feed it to the alligators, but they'll probably puke it out because you'll probably taste bad, so when they do puke out your dick, I'll burn it so no one could ever find it and you'll be without a dick for the rest of your freaking life."
I don't know if should clap for you or call you stupid.
Before I can ask Ava what she means by that, a low, familiar chuckle cuts off my thoughts.
  "What a wonderful speech to give to your boyfriend."
   My cheeks heat up when I turn around to see Jacob standing by the window with a smirk on his face.        "I am such an idiot," I murmur. "Sorry Jake."
He laughs. "It's okay. Is your wolf making you mad?"
I nod. "She keeps thinking you and I got down and dirty before I went into heat!"
Jacob's eyes widen and he starts laughing like a hyena. "We almost did, didn't we?"
  I scowl. "No!"
  I give both Jacob and Ava the bird before collapsing onto my bed and screaming into my pillow.
"Don't be sad, babe." I can literally hear the smirk in Jacob's voice.
"Go fuck your self," I snap.
He lies on the bed next to me and I swear I can feel my heartbeat quicken up.
I love you, Frosty. 
"You don't love him," I say the same time Jacob says, "You don't love her."
  Our jaws drop and we look at each other a second before we both burst out laughing.
"It seems like our wolves have a mind of their own," I say, giggling when Jacob throws his head back and laughs harder. I'm taken by surprise when  he straddles me, connecting his warm, soft lips to mine. When he sits up to take off his shirt, my jaw drops at the sight of his toned abdomen.
Holy shit, Ava says from inside my head. I nod in agreement, my eyes as wide as saucers.
"I know I'm sexy, but can you stop drooling, Drool Face?" Jacob teases with a smirk on his face. "Now arms above your head."
I scowl and stick my tongue out at him as I follow orders, only to receive an eye roll in return. He lifts my shirt  over my head, my cheeks flaming up when I remember that I'm wearing my Mickey Mouse bra. Jacob chuckles and shakes his head as he unclips it for me. I sigh when one of the hooks get stuck in my hair, wincing as I pull it out, making sure it didn't get a lot of my hair. Thankfully, it didn't.
"Next time let me take my bra off," I mutter.
  He just nods as he pulls my pants and then his pants down. My breathing gets heavy as I watch him pull down my-don't laugh-Donald Duck underwear. Then he puts on his condom.
"I'm a virgin," I tell him quickly.
He gasps. "H-how? You're so beautiful!" My cheeks heat up at that. "At least I don't have to be embarrassed about my virginity anymore," he mutters.
"Ow!" I rub my forehead.
"Frosty," Jacob whines, holding his head in his hands.
"Was it really necessary to scream?" we say in unison. We look at each other and laugh.
I hiss in anticipation as he lines himself up with my entrance. The thrusting hasn't even started yet and I'm already hurting.
Jacob looks down at our connected bodies and then into my eyes. I clench my fists as he goes in deeper.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" he asks and I just nod in response.
Once he's all the way in me, he starts thrusting slowly at first, and I start whimpering. As his speed increases, he presses his mouth onto mine, capturing all of my moans.
Once we both release, he collapses onto the bed and wraps his arms around waist, letting me cuddle with him. I bury my head into his hard chest.
"Love you, Kitty."
I grin. "I love me, too."
He gasps. "Do you love Puppy?"
I purse my lips. "No."
"Not even a tiny bit?"
"Not even a tiny bit."
"You already have a butt."
He laughs at that. "Okay, fine, but you're going to regret this the day I physically tear you apart limb by fucking limb and-"
To cut him off, I lick his chest, and that certainly got him quiet. I giggle when I look up to see his eyes as wide as saucers.
"Did you just-?"
"Yup," I reply, popping the 'p'. "I'm tired, Puppy."
  I give him my best Bambi eyes. "But what?"
"You freaking licked me!"
I laugh. "So?"
  You should've licked his manhood, Ava says from inside my head.
That gets me choking on my own saliva. Jacob looks surprised for a moment then he sits up and starts patting my back.
"What did Ava say?" he asks as soon as I recover. When I tell him, we both break down into laughter. After a couple minutes of laughing, I fall asleep in his arms.
A/N: I know. I hate me, too. I spent so much time trying to bring my C in science up to a B. Sorry

A Jacob Black Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora