Intro to a Scoundrel

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Leia sketched her ideas in piece, every so often hearing a crash and an "I'm okay!" from Luke, who had dropped something or other while trying to force lift it. Although he was good, he hadn't yet mastered the skill and every so often he screwed up. 

Suddenly, the bell rang. It was only 11:00 in the morning, so Leia was expecting a delivery of some sort and not the tall brown haired man she saw when she looked up.

"Hi," she scanned the man in front of her, tall and thin but seemingly muscley. He had brown hair and brown eyes. He smirked at her and she noticed the scar under his lip. He wore black pants and a shirt and vest. He had a blaster strapped to his thigh, although most people did so this didn't surprise Leia- she had one of her own hidden under the counter top. Luke preferred his light saber to a blaster, so he carried that instead.

"Hey, you run this place?" The man walked over to the counter and rested his hand on the shiny surface. Leia looked up, he was tall and standing upright, probably a foot taller than she was. Leia nodded and stood up. 

"Leia Skywalker, and you are...?" She put out a hand for the man to shake.

"Han Solo, I just bought the place next door," he shook her hand, his were rough and dry and much larger than her soft ones.

"Oh, I heard somebody had bought the place, I just didn't expect the owner to be so..."

"Handsome?" Han smirked and looked down at Leia.

"Tall," Leia's face fell flat, two minutes in and this guy is already a total flirt she thought. 

"Call it what you want," Han winked and looked down at Leia's sketchbook, "Wow, these are pretty good," he mused, taking the paper in his hands.

"You think?" Leia thought they were ok, Han's compliment wasn't much considering she had already labelled him a flirt- albeit a handsome flirt, she thought as she scanned him once more. Just then Luke walked up the stairs with outlines he had finished cutting out for tattoos.

"Here," he put the stack on the counter, and looked up at Han, then to Leia, raising an eyebrow in a teasing manner- she could tell what he was thinking, not only through the force but because he was obvious and annoying. 

"Luke, Han, Han, Luke," she introduced her brother to the florist.

"Nice to meet you," Luke said.

"You too, kid," he nodded at look then looked back at Leia.

"Anyway, I should get going, I have unpacking to do," he backed out of the store, "Later, Sweetheart," he called, again winking at Leia. She turned bright red, and Luke failed to stifle his laughter.

"Scoundrel," Leia growled, Luke put his hand on her shoulder, 

"Oh shush, Leia, at least somebody likes you for once," Luke made himself laugh harder, and Leia threw a notebook at him as he ran back downstairs.

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